Xylem to Supply Flygt Pump Technology to Europe’s Largest Wastewater Treatment Plant


Xylem has won a significant contract to supply its Flygt brand submersible pumps and monitoring and control technology, as part of a project to upgrade Europe’s largest, and the world’s second largest, wastewater treatment plant located near Paris, France.

Xylem will supply 94 Flygt submersible column pumps, from 40 to 300 kW, 32 centrifugal pumps from 6 to 275 kW, 15 pumps from 5 to 22 kW equipped with ejectors as well as the related accessories to recirculate, mix water and sludge through the basins and feed the facility’s biological tanks with wastewater.

The ‘Achères Seine Aval’ wastewater treatment plant treats about 1.5 million cubic metres of wastewater in the Paris region every day. Service Public de L’assainissement Francilien (SIAAP), the municipal authority that manages the city’s urban wastewater treatment facilities, has undertaken a development programme to extend the existing biofiltration units and to build a new membrane treatment line in the plant. The modernisation of the system is necessary to meet the requirements of the European Water Directives. It will contribute to maintaining the water quality of the Seine River as well as increasing the treatment efficiency of the plant. The upgrading of the wastewater line of ‘Achères Seine Aval’ plant began in 2002 and is due to be completed by 2021.

64 of Xylem’s new Flygt Slimline propeller pumps will be used. These compact pumps mean that smaller discharge column sizes can be used instead of the column sizes used with conventional pumps, which results in a more compact and less costly pump station. Xylem will also provide all the fiberglass reinforced column pipes with flow straightening vanes and suction cones, the lifting accessories and the MAS 711 and Mini-CAS monitoring systems to supervise and protect each pump.

Mr Gaël BIRON, Project Director for the OTV and Degremont consortium responsible for overseeing the development project said, “We have been working with Xylem for several decades so we are well aware of their water and wastewater expertise and the quality of their technology. It was important for us to be able to provide for our customer energy efficient technologies and to improve the operating costs of the plant. A majority of pumps we’re using incorporates Flygt’s N-technology which prevents the pumps from clogging, enabling sustained high efficiency. Premium efficiency IE3 motors also help to minimize the energy consumption."

The first deliveries of Flygt pumps and controls will begin in March 2015 and the upgrade works are due to be completed by July 2018.

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