HI Announces Update of ANSI/HI Standard 1.4
The Hydraulic Institute (HI) has released a 2010 update of ANSI/HI 1.4 - 2010, American National Standard for Rotodynamic (Centrifugal) Pumps for Manuals Describing Installation, Operation and Maintenance.
The new edition represents a major revision of the original 1999 release. ANSI/HI 1.4 - 2010 provides significantly more content and includes additional new as well as updated graphics.
According to Gregg Romanyshyn, HI Technical Director, “This new standard establishes a convention that will provide IOM manuals that are consistent and will help pump users locate IOM information in their vendor manuals quickly and conveniently. The organization of the manuals has been fully harmonized with the organization of the manuals for Rotodynamic (vertical) pumps, as provided in ANSI/HI 2.4 - 2008 that was released previously.” ANSI/HI 1.4 - 2010 is immediately available through the HI eStore and is offered at $70.00.
The extensive content enhancements cover a range of topics: Safety Precautions including general safety requirements, specific actions and maintenance suggestions to prevent injury and damage, explosive atmosphere safety, prevention of excessive temperatures, explosive moisture buildup, sparks and leakage; Transportation and Storage Requirements including rigging/lifting instructions, unpacking instructions, storage environment/moisture protection, and specific requirements for short-term and long-term storage; New Product Descriptions covering configuration and nomenclature; New Installation and Site Preparation Information including site location criteria, seismic analysis of foundation, baseplate leveling and grouting, impeller clearance, motor selection, electrical conduit and boxes, and updated control, monitoring and alarm equipment; Operation Procedures covering rotation check information, start-up checklist, valve settings, water hammer, and vibrations causes; Maintenance Directions; Troubleshooting; Classification of Pump Type displayed with cross-sectional drawings; and Certification.
The committee that developed this standard included individuals from Flowserve Flow Solutions Group; Weir Floway, Inc.; Peerless Pump Co.; ITT – Industrial Process; Sulzer Pumps (US) Inc.; National Pump Company, LLC.; Pentair Water; John Crane Inc.; and Emerson Motors / US Motors. “The committee recognized the importance of providing their customers with important information organized in a uniform, consistent manner.” commented Romanyshyn.
HI Pump Standards are reliable, widely accepted references for anyone involved in pumps, including users, consultants, contractors, construction firms, manufacturers of pumps, seals, motors, instrumentation, controls, and pump software developers and systems integrators. HI periodically introduces new Standards based on industry needs. ANSI/HI Standard 1.4, along with HI’s complete library of ANSI/HI Standards for the pump industry, is user-friendly, and available in both electronic and print formats at the HI eStore: http://www.estore.Pumps.org
Source: Hydraulic Institute Inc.