Power Seals for Difficult Applications
A heavy-duty mechanical seal is imperative to achieving high performance and long pump life in dealing with high viscosity fluids and solids-laden slurries. In difficult situations, the rugged ...

Moyno Power Seal (photo: Moyno).
... Moyno® Power Seal™, a key aspect of the Moyno® PowerFlow™ pump, is the ideal solution.
This versatile seal handles operating conditions with temperatures up to 350° F and pressures up to 200 psi, with optional offerings that can handle temperatures up to 500° F and pressures up to 300 psi.
The Power Seal's short design and forward location position the seal closer to the product flow path and allow for easy installation and maintenance The seal housing's beveled profile allows for free draining and higher fluid circulation.
The precision manufactured Moyno Power Seal features 316 SS construction, Viton O-rings and hard silicon carbide faces, with optional Tungston carbide faces and alternative elastomer O-rings such as Nitrile, EPDM or Kalrez. The Moyno Power Seal also features a thick cross section for long life and more effective handling of high starting torques often encountered with solids-laden slurries.
Moyno, Inc. is a leading manufacturer and marketer of Moyno progressing cavity pumps, multiphase fluid transfer systems, grinders and controls. It has an extensive worldwide stocking distribution network that serves a wide range of industries including water and wastewater treatment, pulp and paper, chemical, food, pharmaceutical, mining, petrochemical and oil and gas recovery. Moyno, Inc. is a unit of Robbins & Myers, Inc.
Source: Moyno