New Busch Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps for Medium Vacuum Applications


Busch has introduced a completely new range of rotary vane vacuum pumps for medium vacuum applications. Zebra rotary vane vacuum pumps are two-stage and oil lubricated, and can reach an ultimate pressure of 0,002 hPa (mbar). A total of five sizes are available, from 6 to 30 m³/h (50 Hz) and 7 to 36 m³/h (60 Hz).

New Busch Rotary Vane Vacuum Pumps for Medium Vacuum Applications

One of the new Busch range of rotary vane vacuum pumps: the Zebra RH 0021 A (Image: Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems)

The new Zebra range complements the proven R 5 rotary vane vacuum pump series, which in many industries is considered the standard for low vacuum applications. Busch introduced rotary vane vacuum pumps more than 50 years ago, and has been developing the technology continuously ever since. The introduction of the Zebra series is a further step into the future of vacuum technology. Zebra rotary vane vacuum pumps use the same working principle as R 5 vacuum pumps, but employ a second stage to reach considerably lower ultimate pressures. A sophisticated integrated oil separation system ensures clean and oil-free exhaust air. Zebra vacuum pumps have a selectable gas ballast valve fitted as standard equipment, permitting large quantities of vapour to be extracted. The motors of all sizes of Zebra vacuum pumps are fitted with IEC320 plugs, allowing simple mains connection with a standard cable. The inlet and outlet flanges of Zebra vacuum pumps are small, guaranteeing a rapid, airtight and secure seal to user networks and the external exhaust.

Applications for Zebra rotary vane vacuum pumps may be found wherever reliable medium vacuum supplies are required. These include mass spectrometers, electron microscopes, leak detectors, coating and freeze drying processes, and as a forepump for turbomolecular vacuum pumps.

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