Caprari Training Center


It is not only enough to create an excellent product to penetrate market share; an after-sales network and expert staff who do not abandon the customer are also required.

Caprari Training Center

Caprari Training Center

That is why Caprari has for some time been using its experience in the integrated water cycle to realize seminars and theoretical and practical training courses for the staff of its own service network and for its customers in order to share its know how and find the best solution for every situation.

Efficiency drive, deep competence and awareness of the strategic importance of human relations are the main features of the training options provided by the Caprari Training Center, where everything aims to maximum customer care.

Thanks to the experience of our highly qualified team and specialised trainers it is possible to deepen knowledge of CAPRARI products and applications and to perfect the techniques for using the main working tools.

The courses are held at the CAPRARI TRAINING CENTER, which for years has been using a dedicated training structure that is equipped with the most advanced tools for effective learning. Using integrated solutions which are able to provide web-based courses, the availability of demonstration equipment and of areas dedicated to simulating specific operating conditions, let courses participants reach a high degree of competence, also through practical exercises relating to the selection, running and maintenance of pumps and motors.


CAPRARI has created a multimedia system for making a more effective, interactive and involving training, to enable customised courses to be provided over the web (e-learning) to cater for customers who need to stay by their own company premises.

The PumpEducator enables SCORM compliant courses to be attended , thanks also to different supports such as images, clips, voice-overs, multilingual material, group management with the possibility of running tests and tracking student activity.

The PumpEducator includes the innovative and much appreciated 3D simulator that enables participants to practise virtual pump assembly.

Training Unit

Training Unit is a workplace consisting of an inverter panel and a remote-control panel - URM Universal Remote Management - that controls two submersible electric pumps and that is used as a practical support in Pump Control Technology courses.

The unit enables customers to be shown some of the main remote-control functions. The unit can also be seen via Webcam during operation: the customer can interact with the workplace even at a distance as if he actually were in front of the control panel display.

Last year Caprari organised a total of 31 training sessions for 180 people totalling 1432 hours.

The courses include, for example, courses relating to the “Diagnosis and repair of submersible electric motors” and the mainly theoretical course on “Electric pump starting systems: inverters, soft-starters and remote control”.

Training Center is continuing progress means that in 2009 Caprari will have run over 40 courses and their number should increase to 50 during the next three years.

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