Busch Vacuum Solutions Presents New Screw Vacuum Pump

The new intelligent COBRA PLUS screw vacuum pump: ready for Industry 4.0 (Image source: Busch Vacuum Solutions)
The COBRA PLUS can thus precisely maintain the desired pumping speed at a prescribed rotational speed. It can also accurately sustain the required vacuum level, regardless of how the process conditions change.
Thanks to its variable speed drive, the vacuum pump covers a pumping speed range from 200 to 950 cubic meters per hour and reaches an ultimate pressure of 0.01 millibar. All operating data is constantly recorded and saved. This data can be accessed directly on the built-in display or transferred via a Modbus TCP/IP client/server protocol. As a result, the vacuum pump can also be controlled remotely from a PC. This makes the new vacuum pump from Busch fully prepared for Industry 4.0.
The COBRA PLUS is designed to be operated in two different modes. Following an intuitive menu structure on the display, users can choose between the constant speed mode or pressure control mode. The most suitable operating mode depends on the type of application. If, for example, a process requires constant pumping speed, this can be set using the 'Constant speed' operating mode and changed again at any time.
In contrast, pressure control uses a defined ultimate pressure setting. The vacuum pump precisely maintains this ultimate pressure, regardless of how the pumping speed changes. This means that this operating mode is always used if constant ultimate pressure or a constant vacuum level is needed. Once the required vacuum level is in place, the COBRA PLUS continues to run at a minimum speed of 20 Hertz, enabling it to respond to a sudden need for increased pumping speed by increasing the rotational speed. In the event of extended breaks, the vacuum pump can also switch on and off automatically, thanks to Ecomode.
Both operating modes thus help the COBRA PLUS operate in a way that perfectly suits the process, resulting in extreme efficiency as only the power that is actually necessary is consumed.
The COBRA PLUS vacuum pump is based on the proven screw vacuum technology from Busch. The fluid-free operating principle makes it possible to avoid using oil or other operating fluids when generating vacuum. This makes it particularly well-suited for applications requiring that the pumped medium not be contaminated by operating fluids, or those that require clean-room conditions.
The COBRA PLUS can be used both as an individual vacuum pump or as a vacuum module in a central vacuum supply. The internal master/slave control facilitates communication between the individual modules and enables them to adjust their total output to the actual requirements without additional controls.
Busch will present the new pump at Interpack 2020 which is taking place from 7th to 13th May in Dusseldorf, Germany. In addition to dry COBRA vacuum technology, Busch will also be showcasing the newest R5 RD rotary vane vacuum pump, which is primarily used in vacuum packaging due to its high efficiency.
Source: Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH