Busch Vacuum Solutions Is World Market Leader 2023

(Image source: Dr.-Ing.K.Busch GmbH)
Busch received the title of “World Market Leader” for its strong position as manufacturer of vacuum pumps and systems for the food industry.
The coveted places in the ranking of the top companies are awarded according to a strict procedure developed by the University of St. Gallen. The annual turnover of the listed companies must be at least 50 million Euro, and half of it must have been generated abroad on at least three continents. The global Busch Vacuum Solutions group employs more than 3,800 people worldwide and is represented by 69 companies in 45 countries. The consolidated group turnover amounts to one billion Euro.
Busch Vacuum Solutions was founded by Ayhan and Dr Karl Busch in 1963 in the Black Forest. The international expansion of Busch began with the first sales company in Great Britain in 1971. In 1979, the first manufacturing plant outside Germany was established in the USA. There are now six production sites in Germany, the USA, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the Czech Republic and South Korea.
The HUCKEPACK, the first vacuum pump from Busch, was specially developed by Dr Karl Busch for the packaging of foodstuffs. Its successor, the compact R5 rotary vane vacuum pump, revolutionized food packaging – the application in which Busch is world market leader.
Today, far beyond the application possibilities in the food industry, the extensive product portfolio from Busch offers solutions for vacuum and overpressure applications for all industries, such as chemical, semiconductor, medical technology, plastics and woodworking.
Source: Dr.-Ing. K. Busch GmbH