Water Security in Africa (WASA) Research Programme Enters Main Phase

The Water Security in Africa (WASA) research programme convenes more than 100 researchers from Southern Africa and Germany for its kick-off conference, which will take place from 25 to 27 September 2024 in Stellenbosch, South Africa, and will be co-hosted by Stellenbosch University.
Water Security in Africa (WASA) Research Programme Enters Main Phase

Image source: German Water Partnership e.V.

The aim of the WASA research programme is to contribute to achieving a sustainable increase in water security in Africa. This includes the improvement of water supply and wastewater management as well as the preservation of natural ecosystems. The programme’s guiding principles are to enable joint action by African and German partners from the very start of the project, adopt a synergistic and integrated approach involving different ministries and political representatives as well as a focus on applied research and implementation.

The conference brings together more than 100 colleagues from seven collaborative research projects, the programme’s governing board, and the coordinating team. Delegates represent the different stakeholders from research, academia, politics, practice and industry in Germany and Southern Africa, and inter-governmental organizations including the African Union as well as AMCOW (African Ministers’ Council on Water) and the ministries responsible for water in Botswana, Namibia and South Africa. This three-day conference provides an opportunity for the research projects to meet, promote their research and engage with relevant stakeholders.

WASA includes more than 90 collaborating partner institutions, who join their efforts in achieving water security in Southern Africa. The programme addresses three thematic fields, with seven research projects:

Thematic Field 1: Sustainable Water Resources Management

  • SeeKaquA – Semi-Airborne Electromagnetic Exploration of Kalahari’s Aquifers, Africa
  • WaMiSAR – Sustainable and Climate Adapted Water Management in Mining in the Southern African Region

Thematic Field 2: Water Infrastructure and Water Technology

  • MAMDIWAS: Making Mining- Influenced Water a Driver for Change to Improve Water Security in South Africa
  • NEU-Water – Nature Engineered Urban Design for Water Recycling and Reuse
  • WaReNam – Multi-Scale Water Reuse Strategy for Namibia: Technology, Governance and Capacity Development

Thematic Field 3: Hydrological Forecasts and Management of Hydrological Extremes

  • Co-HYDIM-SA – Co-Design of a Hydrometeorological Information System for Sustainable Water Resources Management in Southern Africa
  • WaRisCo – Water Risks and Resilience in Urban-Rural Areas in Southern Africa – Co-Production of Hydro- Climate Services for an Adaptive and Sustainable Disaster Risk Management

The programme was jointly developed by African and German experts from science and practice, including AMCOW and ministries from Angola, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia and South Africa. This is also reflected in the funding structure of the programme: The German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) provides a large part of the funding. South African researchers receive top-up funding by the Water Research Commission (WRC). In addition, the WASA programme receives numerous in-kind contributions from African and German research partners and stakeholders.

WASA is part of the German Governments research initiative “Research for Sustainability (FONA)” and contributes to the Federal Government’s “Future Research and Innovation Strategy”. The programme also supports the BMBF’s Africa Strategy to strengthen cooperation with African partners in tackling global challenges, establishing long-term and high-quality research infrastructures, strengthening regional and continental collaboration, developing innovation potential and new markets and enhancing Germany’s profile as a key partner for Africa in the fields of education and research.

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