Wasser Berlin International 2015 Offers Comprehensive Service for Young Professionals


The water industry is among the sectors affected by demographic change and faces the prospect of declining numbers of young professionals joining its ranks. That includes academics and practicians alike. With competition for specialists intensifying this demands that the industry react.

From 24 to 27 March 2015 Wasser Berlin International will be highlighting services that enable the water industry and their ’employees of the future’ to make contact with one another.

A new feature this year is the Pipeline Construction Challenge Berlin that will be taking place for the first time. Conceived and organised by rbv and DVWG and taking place in Hall 1.2, its aim is to provide a platform for attracting young professionals to take up water industry careers. Teams of up to three trainees will take part in a competition that will demonstrate how a combination of specialised skills, modern materials and innovative technology is essential at a pipeline construction site. On 25 March the ’water’ teams will compete from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., while the ’gas’ contestants will face up to each other at the same time the following day.

On Friday, 27 March 2015, Careers Day will be taking place and will offer pupils, trainees, students and professionals an opportunity to meet company representatives face-to-face. Representatives of personnel departments will have information available on various types of jobs, including in skilled employment, engineering and commerce, as well as on career opportunities in their respective companies. The ’thumbs-up’ logo identifies the stands of the companies and associations providing information on training, work experience and careers.

As a firmly established event at Wasser Berlin International the Young Water Professionals‘ Programme organised by the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) addresses up-and-coming engineers, natural scientists and students from Germany and abroad. The programme offers 32 participants from abroad an opportunity to visit the fair, take part in building site tours and career events, and to establish and expand their personal networks at international level. Around 700 young engineers from more than 60 countries have already participated in this programme. Many of them now occupy senior positions in their home countries.

At the International Forum the DWA will be organising the second Young Water Professionals‘ Conference’, an event held in English by young engineers targeting young engineers. The participants, who are from Germany and abroad, will be reporting on their experiences in their home countries. The Young Water Professionals‘ Conference will take place on 27 March 2015 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon in Hall 5.2a.

On 27 March 2015 from 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. in Hall 2.2 the Wasser Berlin Interantional Congress will look at ‘Career opportunities in the water industry’.

The International Forum will also feature an environmental management planning game for students. Using the DWA’s environmental technology training set and within a limited period time, the participating teams will be required to provide a fictitious region with basic supply services. The set comprises 62 magnetic cards and visualises knowledge gained from water, wastewater, waste and energy training courses. The best plan for ‘intelligent urbanisation’ will receive a prize. The eventual aim of this planning game is to develop an international university competition that provides support for young water industry engineers in environmental management. The planning game will take place on 27 March from 1 to 4 p.m. in Hall 5.2a.

The DWA will also provide a Young Water Professionals‘ Lounge in Hall 5.2a where young engineers can establish international contacts and exchange their impressions of the fair. Graduates can also find job vacancies posted at the Job Centre of Deutsche Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall e. V. (DWA) in Hall 5.2a.

From Tuesday to Friday, for the entire duration of the fair, WASsERLEBEN, the interactive show for the public in Hall 5.2b, will have information on the sustainable use of water resources as well as fascinating information for children and young people on water industry careers. Admission to WASsERLEBEN is 3 euros per pupil.

On Careers Day (Friday, 27 March 2015) students in possession of a valid student ID card can visit the fair at the reduced rate of 10 euros.

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