Tsurumi Pump Passes 7 Metres Drop Test

Impressive drop test: The Tsurumi pumps remained fully functional even after a fall from a height of seven metres (Image source: Tsurumi (Europe) GmbH)
This remarkable achievement sheds new light on the robustness and reliability of dewatering pumps. The fact that they can withstand a lot is relevant for the actual operating task, but also for accident prevention and environmental protection through oil leaks and other incidents.
The test was carried out by the pump manufacturer Tsurumi in the run-up to the upcoming IFAT trade fair in Germany. It comprised two series that were to prove their resistance to extreme events. Firstly, a universal pump of the type HS2.4S was dropped from a height of seven metres. This is roughly equivalent to a free fall out the third floor of a building.
It only suffered cosmetic damage. This did not really surprise the manufacturer: "Tsurumi pumps can really take a beating," said test manager Matthew Hill. Although the pump had scratches on the housing, it otherwise worked perfectly. The test with an LB480, also a universal dewatering pump for construction, industry, agriculture and other applications, showed similar results. In this case, however, the lower casing was slightly deformed at the point of impact.
The impressive drop tests demonstrated the benefits of the high safety reserves that the manufacturer takes into account when designing its pumps. In practice, however, hardly any user is likely to risk such ordeals.
The test is also remarkable because the candidates do not even represent the ultimate in terms of robustness in the manufacturer's product range, which includes over 500 models for the EU alone. It covers flow rates of up to 30 m³/min or 216 m delivery head and is one of the largest in the industry. Ultra-hard materials such as silicon carbide (only diamond is harder), individually encapsulated conductors, the double internal mechanical seal and the position-independent oil distributor are features of the Japanese pumps.
Tsurumi has published the video of the drop test on its Facebook page. At IFAT, the Düsseldorf-based company will be showcasing a cross-section of its programme, which includes dewatering pumps, submersible aerators, agitators and a "smart" network solution that also integrates third-party products.
Source: Tsurumi (Europe) GmbH