Sulzer Expands Geka Site in Bechhofen and Generates More Than 250 New Jobs
Sulzer is expanding Geka’s manufacturing site in Bechhofen, Germany, generating more than 250 new jobs. Geka is a world-leading expert for the manufacturing and trading of innovative application systems for liquid color cosmetics and beauty accessories and has been part of the Swiss Sulzer group for almost a year.
With the additional 12 000 m2 of new manufacturing space, the production area will be almost doubled. This expansion became necessary because of the significant growth that Geka has seen for the last two years. As a consequence, the Bechhofen and Bamberg facilities had reached their full manufacturing capacities. Because Sulzer has ambitious growth plans for the beauty business at Geka and wants to further extend the value chain, it is important to build up additional manufacturing capacities.
Geka has already bought the land for the new building and the planning has been initiated. The construction will begin in 2017 and should finish by the end of 2018. With this extension of the Bechhofen site, more than 1 000 people will soon be working for Geka in Germany. It will also create further development opportunities for new and existing employees.
Amaury de Menthière, Division President Applicator Systems, says, “This investment in the Bechhofen location shows that Sulzer is fully convinced of the success of its new Applicator Systems division — to which GEKA belongs — and that Sulzer is seeking to strengthen Bechhofen as a global headquarters for the beauty business.”