New ABS Dry-Installed Sewage Pump AFC
The new ABS dry-installed sewage pump AFC is designed for safe, efficient and reliable operation. The new dry-installed pump combines the best features of the well proven AFP range of submersible pumps and the dryinstalled FR range.

ABS Sewage Pump AFC
Stronger regulations of health, environment and safety makes the choice of sewage pump increasingly important. The ABS dry-installed sewage pump AFC is designed to be dry-installed mounted either just below or at ground level. There is no contamination of the outer surfaces of the pumps therefore eliminating the risk of contamination during routine operation. Since there is no equipment requiring maintenance actually installed in the sump the need for access to rescue stranded equipment can be eliminated.
The design of ABS dry-installed sewage pump AFC is based on the tried and tested AFP hydraulic range and is directly interchangeable with the ABS submersible sewage pump AFP for dry installed applications.
The ABS dry-installed sewage pump AFC makes use of the Contrablock impeller design giving the best compromise between solids handling and maintainable efficiency. It has an adjustable bottom plate to maintain both efficiency and rag handling capability allowing for easy adjustment to keep energy costs to a minimum throughout the design life of the pump.
About ABS
ABS Group is a global solution provider in wastewater technology with a complete product portfolio of pumps, mixers, aerators, compressors, control and monitoring equipment, and services. ABS also offers pumps and rental services for the dewatering market. ABS Group, with 1.800 employees and a turnover of 300 MEUR (2.7 billion SEK) in 2007, is present in more than 100 countries and has more than 32 subsidiaries. ABS Group is part of the Cardo group which is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.
Source: Sulzer Ltd.