HI Launches Resources to Help Utilities Build Pump-Focused Incentive Programs
Such programs can also help utilities meet regulatory goals and provide other value-adds to customers. HI’s Utility Resources build upon the association’s Energy Rating Program which underpins incentive programs by streamlining the way pump manufacturers and distributors communicate energy efficiency.
HI launched its Energy Rating (ER) Program database of rated pumps in 2018 enabling users to compare the possible energy and cost savings of potential upgrades to their pump systems from a database of pumps and accessories. The higher the energy rating of a product, the more efficient the pump.
“As our database grows, we are very excited to roll out our utility resources—especially at a time when the industry needs tools to be easily and digitally accessible,” Michael Michaud, Executive Director, Hydraulic Institute said. “Each of these resources plays an important role in the design and management of a rebate or incentive program that not only reduces energy consumption but also stands to strengthen relationships between utilities and customers.”
The toolbox includes the following:
For Program Design:
- The Utility Program Design Memorandum provides technical background on pump efficiency programs and summarizes program strategies to consider when initiating new rebate programs.
- The FAQ & Lessons Learned summary outlines best practices and key learnings from past programs to help utilities promote the most efficient solutions, work with pump market actors, and develop effective marketing materials.
- The Efficient Pump Utility Program Database identifies existing utility programs that promote efficient pump systems and circulators so utilities and other users can gain inspiration from successful and efficient models.
For Program Management:
- The Pump Systems Matter (PSM) Training Memorandum details how the trainings provided by HI’s Pump Systems Matter (PSM) and Pump System Assessment Professional (PSAP) course and certifications can equip utilities professionals to better understand system nuances.
- The Deemed Measure List and Technical Resource Manual (TRM) Workbook are housed in a single customizable Excel file tool providing one-stop-shops for pump energy savings calculations, measure identifiers, and all the necessary technical data.
For Program Promotion
- Pump System User Profiles help utilities professionals understand the motivations and challenges of pump system users to help them better target programs, marketing and rebates to customers.
- Key Messages utilities can use to articulate the value of energy savings and pump efficiency to various stake holders.
- Communications Tools, including flyers, promotional slides and other materials that can boost education and awareness of programs.
All of these tools are downloadable for free. Availability is not limited to utilities. Industrial and commercial companies that aim to create internal energy-saving incentive programs can also use these tools to design and implement programs that advance their sustainability goals and reduce associated costs to boost the bottom line.
Source: Hydraulic Institute Inc.