Herborner Pumpentechnik Now Also Makes Coated Pump Technology for Drinking Water
Following changes to the drinking water act (TrinkwV 2001) in December 2012, the German Environment Agency was tasked with creating binding rating standards that set requirements for materials in contact with drinking water.

herborner.F and herborner.D: With its new 100 % coated herborner.F and herborner.D pumps, Herborner Pumpentechnik raises the bar for close-coupled and inline pumps (Image: Herborner Pumpentechnik)
Drinking water suppliers have to check whether the materials used in their plants fulfill the licensing requirements based on these various rating standards and guidelines. One important part of these plants is the pump technology used.
Drinking water suitability officially confirmed
For these applications, Herborner Pumpentechnik now offers a brand new cover certificate in Germany stating the suitability of our pumps for use with drinking water. This certificate, issued by the TZW: DVGW Water Technology Center in Karlsruhe, details the hygienic and toxicological suitability of all pump components for contact with drinking water. This is currently unique in the German pump market.
The certificate is issued for all pumps of the herborner.F, herborner.F-L, and herborner.D series. All components of these pumps that come into contact with drinking water fulfill the current rating standards and guidelines. In addition, they are checked in accordance with the DVGW Technical Rules, Sheet W 270.
Cutting-edge corrosion protection
The herborner.F close-coupled pumps, herborner.F-L bearing bracket pumps, and herborner.D inline pumps offer 100% corrosion protection, because all hydraulic pump components are fully coated on the inside and outside. This makes corrosion issues a thing of the past. The extremely smooth layer on top of the cast surface is up to 1,000 µm thick and ensures an almost frictionless flow of the media. Depending on the pump and its use, this improves efficiency by 3 to 15 %, which can result in significant energy savings. The 100% HPC coating (Herborner-Pump-Coating = HPC) also covers hard-to-reach areas. Corrosive media no longer have any exposed surfaces to attack. Corrosion in the seat of the mechanical seal in the rear panel of the pump is prevented by the so-called mechanical seal protector from non-corrosive materials, which protects this area. This ensures that the seat of the mechanical seal remains tight even after years of operation. Without this protector, leaks resulting from corrosion damage could necessitate the replacement of the entire rear panel – which further highlights the sustainability of these models.
To do the unique quality of its many innovative ideas justice, Herborner Pumpentechnik has put individual developments of the series under patent protection.
Motor technology
Motors are available in several energy efficiency classes, up to IE5. Our IE5 motors are permanent magnet motors, which require an inverter for operation. These motors therefore belong to the Ultra Premium Efficiency Class with the highest levels of efficiency on the market today.