Flow Meter for Pulsing Liquids
The ProMinent developed flow meter is based on the ultrasonic measurement method. It measures all liquid media without any media contact.

DulcoFlow flow meter for monitoring pulsing liquids (Photo: ProMinent)
Media contacting parts are manufactured using chemically resistant PVDF/PTFE. This ensures that aggressive media can also be measured without problem. The instrument is installed directly in the pipe of the medium being measured, with nominal widths 6/4, 8/5 or 12/9 mm being available.
Measuring principle
The principle behind the Dulcoflow is time of flight measurement. Operation without moving parts guarantees a long service life and wear-free operation.
The Dulcoflow measurement range is between 0.1 and 30 litres per hour. Dependent on the measurement range, the accuracy during calibrated
operation is < 2 %.
Simple operation
A two-line display, status LEDs and membrane keys ensure simple operation. The actual flow or the quantity which has flowed can be shown in litres or gallons on the LC display. Likewise, the current pump stroke rate can be displayed. The four keys affixed on the front side are used to adjust and program the instrument. Two LEDs provide information about the current instrument status as well as the measurement status.
The IP65 protection class of the instrument is suitable for wall mounting. A wide range power unit for 100-253 V AC/DC ensures the instrument can be used worldwide with all power supply networks.
Source: ProMinent GmbH