DESMI sets New Heights Generating a Very Satisfactory Yearend Result for 2022

The general assembly approved the yearend result for 2022 for the DESMI Group - a record-high net revenue of DKK 1,880 million and a profit before tax of DKK 199.5 million, which is considered very satisfactory under the given preconditions in the market and the political tensions globally.
DESMI sets New Heights Generating a Very Satisfactory Yearend Result for 2022

(Image source: DESMI A/S)

In 2022, DESMI once again made history not only in numbers and product development but also in historical milestones - One Equity Partners acquired the shareholder majority, and Humphrey Lau joined the role of Group CEO to support the continued growth of the DESMI Group.

“We are very pleased with the multileveled progress made in 2022, and I want to thank all our dedicated colleagues for their efforts and contribution. DESMI kept its strategic focus despite various obstacles, and we are looking at several opportunities for setting new heights within all our market segments by unleashing new potentials”, says Group CEO Humphrey Lau.

DESMI's success in the Ballast Water Management System retrofit market played a significant role, which has resulted in a solid installed base of BWMS accelerating DESMI's after sales and service business for years to come. Additionally, DESMI's proven UV-based water treatment technology has enabled the company to expand into specialized water treatment applications in other customer segments, including aquaculture.

In 2022, DESMI also relaunched cargo pumps for gas and chemical tankers, and the company's investment in new solutions for the aquaculture industry proved to be a perfect match for the market. DESMI has been in close dialogue with plant builders and fish farmers worldwide, and the investment in pump technology and UV-treatment will result in both a safe environment and safe water for the fish.

Furthermore, DESMI has grown rapidly, reaching more than 1,000 colleagues worldwide, continuing the company’s global expansion. DESMI DeServe has also grown to a team of more than 70 employees highlighting the company's commitment to being more than just a pump manufacturer.

"Our shareholders have great expectations for the DESMI Group, and we are committed to growing both organically and via acquisitions," says Humphrey Lau, and continues: "As we look ahead of 2023, new heights are to be set, and we are excited about the future."

DESMI's solid financial performance in 2022 and strategic investments in innovative products and technologies demonstrate the company's continued commitment to delivering high-quality solutions and services to its customers.

Source: DESMI A/S

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