DAB Pumps Takes Care of the Future with a Sustainable Strategic Plan for 2025

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The group carries out a series of actions to increase Sustainability, making it a substantial part of the corporate culture. The first objective is the reduction of CO2 emissions thanks to the new logistics hub that uses only energy from renewable sources, the electric car fleet and the internal “Follow the green” poster.
DAB Pumps Takes Care of the Future with a Sustainable Strategic Plan for 2025

DAB Sustainability Team. (Image source: DAB Pumps S.p.A.)

DAB Pumps, a leading multinational company in the field of water treatment and management technologies, continues its commitment to sustainable development with an elaborated strategic plan that started some time ago with the inauguration of the new logistics centre, the DAB Main Distribution Center in Monselice (Padua), which, with a surface area of 10,000 square metres, allows worldwide shipping exclusively with energy from renewable sources. The goal of environmental efficiency and sustainability that characterises DAB Pumps is now also being implemented through the creation of an internal cross-functional and international sustainability team to promote and coordinate initiatives, activities and information on the environment for the entire DAB Group. The team, made up of employees from different corporate functions, allows for a cross-functional and mixed exchange of ideas, reflecting the agile and multidisciplinary approach that DAB takes to its major projects. "Sustainability is not an accessory at DAB, but an essential element: this is why the decision was made to involve all levels of the company, collect input, revise it and update it regularly to report what is happening and promote the culture of sustainability as a guiding principle to be guided by and followed," comments Sandro Stramare, CEO of the DAB Group.

For those who are part of this team, like Francesca Sandonà - Head of Human Resources Development of the Group, "the creation of a work team was an important first step on the path of sustainable development that the company has embarked on. We have set ourselves the goal of making sustainability a core value in the company by encouraging everyone to be responsible with the planet's resources, by giving ourselves the tools and information to play an active role, and by thus creating a continuous link between the company's goals and individual behaviour.

Concern for the future is one of the pillars of the Group's 2025 strategy, which sets a number of targets by this date, such as a significant reduction in water consumption and CO2 emissions (target - 50%). The use of renewable energy in all DAB production sites will save about 3800 tonnes of CO2, which is equivalent to planting 115,000 trees. The use of solar and photovoltaic panels is also crucial: between July 2018 and April this year, 1006 tonnes of Co2 were saved, equivalent to about 30,000 trees planted.

In addition, "DAB goes electric": the company is converting its fleet from diesel to electric cars, with the aim of increasing the number of vehicles and charging stations. Seventeen charging stations have already been installed in Mestrino and four in Bientina, while work is nearing completion at the DAB Hungary plant. The charging stations will be available for company vehicles, but also for the private vehicles of employees and guests. The new electric fleet has zero Co2 emissions - compared to 135 g/KM Co2 for diesel vehicles. Thanks to this replacement, annual CO2 emissions are reduced by around 5.5 tonnes.

This is why DAB has launched the internal communication campaign "Follow the Green", which invites every employee to take care of the future with small daily gestures that can be applied in the workplace as in any other environment and help to develop sustainable habits and behaviours.

Sustainability is not just about taking care of the environment. Through the Warka Water Inc. association, through which DAB provides support in Cameroon, DAB is also active in the social sector, guaranteeing local communities access to drinking water, sanitation, health and agricultural programmes, reforestation and education for children. Everyone can contribute by joining DAB in this campaign: You can join the company's crowdfunding campaign at www.dabpumps.com. As Warka Water says, every drop counts, however small.

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