ABS Supplies Pumps For Spanish Desalination Plant
ESA has signed a contract with ABS for the supply of seven stainless steel AFP submersible pumps. The pumps will be used in a new desalination plant being built in southeast of Spain.

The Spanish State company Acuamed, S.A. caring for the Mediterranean basin water, through the UTE Águilas-Guadalentín Desalination Plant -- a consortium consisting of Ferrovial, Agromam, Sacyr Sadyt and Cadagua -- chose ABS for the catchment and pumping of sea water to the desalination plant that is presently under construction on the coast of the region of Murcia, southeast Spain. This project is within the framework of the A.G.U.A. Programme by the Spanish Ministry of the Enviroment for improvement of water resources.
The plant, with an estimated investment cost of 239 million Euros, will have a capacity of 70 hm3/year, out of which 57 hm3 are destined for crop irrigation, and 13 hm3 for drinking water supply to a population of 130,000 inhabitants.
This new desalination plant, using the reverse osmosis process (RO), is located next to the old existing one in the town of Águilas. Since the construction of a channel longer than 1 kilometer to catch the water from the sea would be very difficult and expensive, they decided on an 840 metres long underwater inlet line to catch the water from the sea and lead it to a baffle chamber, and from here to the pumping chamber, where seven ABS submersible pumps will be installed. The pumps, with a rate flow of 3,680 m3/h each, will supply all the water needed for the proper functioning of the plant through a 2.20 m diameter pipe.
The scope of supply includes seven ABS 575 kW pumps for the intake pumping which are fitted with special treatments and materials (duplex steel) suitable for contact with sea water.
The pumps were produced at the ABS Production unit in Lohmar, Germany, once the required special execution was technically checked and approved.
The pumps installation will take place by summer end and the plant is planned to be commissioned in 2010.
Source: Sulzer Ltd.