Xylem’s Ozone Technology to Deliver Reliable Drinking Water at Lowest Possible Life Cycle Cost in Grand Forks, North Dakota


Xylem announced that its ozone equipment has been selected to support the City of Grand Forks in developing a new regional water treatment plant. The facility will provide drinking water for the 57,000 people in North Dakota’s third largest city.

Xylem’s ozone treatment solution will ensure the water meets all quality standards, is potable and odor-free. Xylem was selected by Black & Veatch and AE2S Consulting Engineers for the City of Grand Forks, in a contract worth $2.7 million, for its proven technology solution that delivers resilience against toxins from harmful algal blooms that generate taste and odor compounds, as well as providing the necessary disinfection for public water consumption, all at the lowest overall life-cycle cost.

Kevin Flis, Business Development Manager, Xylem said, “Ozone is one of the most powerful commercially available oxidants. Pollutants, colored substances, odors and microorganisms are directly destroyed by oxidation, without creating harmful chlorinated by-products or significant residues.”

John Goetz Water Plant Supervisor, City of Grand Forks said, “By building this new facility and investing in efficient, sustainable technology, we will future-proof the plant, ensuring that we can provide safe, clean drinking water for our growing community.”

The new Grand Forks Regional Water Treatment Plant will have a capacity of 20 million gallons per day (MGD). Xylem will supply two Wedeco SMOevo 860 Ozone Generators, each delivering a capacity of 500 Pounds Per Day (PPD), featuring a large range of customization options to meet specific needs, advanced Effizon evo 2G electrode technology and a superior generator design.

Procurement for the City of Grand Forks treatment plant is being managed under the Construction Management at Risk (CMAR) method. This involves a commitment by the Construction Manager (CM) to deliver the project within a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) which is based on the construction documents and specifications at the time of the GMP, plus any reasonably inferred items or tasks. The CMAR is an owner advocate, managing the project with the owner’s best interest in mind at all times. The method delivers a higher level of cost control from the outset of a project.

Construction of the new plant has been underway since December 1, 2016, to replace the aging infrastructure of the existing 62 year old plant. It is expected that the new plant will be operational by early 2020.

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