Wilo Acquires Abionik Group

On 8 February 2021, the Wilo Group successfully completed the acquisition of the Berlin-based Abionik Group from the private equity company BID Equity as well as other shareholders. In doing so, it is expanding its competence as a solution supplier in clean water treatment.
Wilo Acquires Abionik Group

The acquisition of the Abionik Group expands Wilo's expertise as a solution provider in water treatment. (Image source: WILO SE)

Abionik currently employs around 170 people across eleven production and sales sites in Europe and Asia. Among other companies, the Abionik Group includes MARTIN Systems, LIKUSTA Umwelttechnik, and Steinhardt, which specialise in wastewater and exhaust air treatment as well as rainwater treatment and flood control.

“With the acquisition of the Abionik Group, we are diversifying our portfolio in the water management segment in a targeted manner and are consistently pursuing our strategic alignment as a solution provider with regard to the treatment of water and sewage. With its strong focus on energy-efficient and sustainable products, the Abionik Group fully shares our values as the winner of the German Sustainability Award 2021”, explains Oliver Hermes, President and CEO of the Wilo Group. “The world climate needs pioneers. At Wilo, we claim to not only promote the topic of energy efficiency, but also to be a climate protection and digital pioneer. We’re convinced that the smartest products are also the ones that are the most energy efficient. It only makes sense then that digital transformation, energy efficiency and climate protection are firmly correlated”, adds the President and CEO.

With the products from the Abionik Group as well as the existing Wilo portfolio and that of the company GVA, acquired in 2016, Wilo will be able to offer customers a significantly broader range of applications in the water management and industry segments. “With this addition to our existing portfolio, we’re expanding our expertise as a solution provider and providing the answers to the global challenges of climate change and water shortage in this specific area”, says Dr Patrick Niehr, member of the Executive Board and CCO of the Wilo Group. Daniel Crawford, CEO of the Abionik Group adds: “All of the products and services at ABIONIK – from integrated compact wastewater treatment plants to highly efficient filter modules – are designed to sustainably reduce resource and energy consumption, pollutants, and other contaminants. In this way, Wilo and ABIONIK complement each other perfectly as entrepreneurial partners to generate further added value for our customers.”

Mathias Weyers, member of the Executive Board and CFO of the Wilo Group, is extremely satisfied with the latest addition to the Wilo Group: “Now that we’ve acquired the Abionik Group, we’ve added more strings to our bow with the highly profitable and innovative companies whose products fit well into our existing portfolio. We’re now turning our attention to successfully integrating these into the Wilo Group and are looking forward to working together”, says Mathias Weyers.

Source: WILO SE

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