Voith Hydro Opens New Center of Competence for Generator Components

The new Voith Hydro location in Bosnia and Hercegovina is ready to deliver generator components to customers worldwide. (Image source: Voith Hydro Holding GmbH & Co. KG)
The new location is only 1.5 flight hours away from Voith Hydro’s German headquarters in Heidenheim. Its’ set-up was closely aligned with experts from the company’s central technology department in Germany, where essential R&D functions for generator components are based.
Apart from the proximity to the headquarters, customers benefit from the closeness to the mainly European supplier base of insulation materials which ensures efficiency and smooth operations. Additionally, Voith Hydro is in close collaboration with the Bosnian facility of ELIN Motoren, a Voith company, which is successfully producing motor and generator coils as well as wind generator components in the immediate neighborhood.
Pole production already in full swing
Works at the facility began in 2021 and initial test productions could already be performed in February 2022. After successful acceptance tests, the pole production started with first orders for hydropower stations in Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, and Switzerland. The success speaks for itself: the company’s project pipelines for all production lines (poles, bars, and coils) are filled.
World-class bars and coils
Just like the poles, bars, and coils underwent demanding life-cycle simulations and high-voltage tests. These have been completed to full satisfaction and do not only meet international standards but also the even higher internal quality aspirations.
“With this facility, we bundle our competence for bars, coils, and poles. The location in central Europe is ideal to serve not only the European market but also Africa, the Americas, or even beyond”, says Dr. Tobias Keitel, President & CEO Voith Hydro. First customers mirror this with their positive feedback: “We were deeply impressed by the state-of-the-art workshop”, says Luc Reinig, Technical Director at Société Electrique de l’Our in Luxembourg.
Source: Voith GmbH & Co. KGaA