Romanian Utility Tackles Water Losses with Advanced Data Analytics

A Romanian water utility is using advanced analytics to transform its infrastructure and tackle water losses in real time. ApaVital S.A., which serves more than half a million people in the region of Iasi, will apply intelligent data integration software to optimize its network, detect and prevent leaks, and ensure a more sustainable water supply for its communities.

To address the issue that water is lost before it reaches consumers due to leaks ahead of new leakage thresholds mandated by the revised European Drinking Water Directive, ApaVital is implementing Xylem Vue powered by GoAigua, a software and analytics platform from global water technology company Xylem.

The platform will combine data from across ApaVital’s existing infrastructure network of more than 4,000 kilometers of water pipes, 193 pumping stations, and 50,000 water meters. Operators will be able to monitor performance in real time and proactively identify and fix leaks. The utility aims to reduce water loss to below 20%, making households and businesses in the region more water-secure.

“As we grow our digital capabilities and increase our volume of data, we recognize the need to streamline our sources to increase operational efficiencies,” said Mihail Dorus, Managing Director at ApaVital. “This solution will give us the visibility to address critical challenges such as water losses and allow us to maximize our infrastructure investments and benefit our communities.”

“Most utilities already have plenty of data. The difficulty is turning the numbers into actionable insights and decisions,” said Kenny Khoo, Managing Director for Eastern Europe South at Xylem. “Connecting data streams simplifies water management by giving operators a comprehensive understanding of how their network is performing. With greater system insight, utilities can optimize operations, unlock more value from existing infrastructure, and address challenges quickly and sustainably.”

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