Pump Systems Matter™ Announces New Sponsors
Pump Systems Matter (PSM), a national education initiative aimed at lowering North American energy needs by optimizing pump system performance while improving bottom-line profitability of businesses by optimizing pump system performance, announces partnerships with three new sponsor organizations.
Two energy efficiency programs, the Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) and Wisconsin's Focus on Energy, as well as one utility, BC Hydro, have joined as sponsors and members of the Board of Directors.
The Portland, Oregon-based Northwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA) is a non-profit corporation whose ultimate goal is to make energy-efficient products and services available at affordable rates in the Pacific Northwest. NEEA is supported by various electric utilities, public benefits administrators, state governments, public interest groups and energy efficiency industry representatives. It was also the first non-governmental organization (NGO) to sponsor Pump Systems Matter.
"Sponsoring Pump Systems Matter fully complements our regional market transformation efforts in the food processing and pulp and paper industries," explains Susan Hermenet, the Director of Business Services for NEEA. "Any large-scale market transformation effort requires collaboration to be successful. Through Pump Systems Matter, we're able to work cooperatively with utilities, pump manufacturers, and pump system users to change the way pumping systems are sold and purchased. Those efforts will ultimately make industry more competitive and, in turn, result in region-wide economic development."
Wisconsin's Focus of Energy "encourages Wisconsin businesses and residents to make informed energy decisions." Through partnerships with many different organizations across the state, Focus on Energy helps Wisconsin lower its cost of living while at the same time improving energy efficiency, the economy, and environmental health.
"A recent study completed for the Wisconsin Public Service Commission projected that the potential energy savings in pump systems was second only to lighting energy saving opportunities," said Focus on Energy's Industrial Program Director John Nicol. "As a key part of targeting pump systems, Wisconsin's Focus on Energy program became a sponsor of Pump Systems Matter to provide a strong platform for securing this energy reduction for the state's businesses."
BC Hydro's fundamental goal is to provide high-value, reliable power to fuel the development of the Canadian province of British Columbia while remaining concerned about environmental effects. Through a world-class integrated hydroelectric system, BC Hydro has allowed residents of British Columbia to have one of the lowest electricity rates in the world. By valuing efficiency and productivity, BC Hydro saw a perfect fit with the values of the Pump Systems Matter initiative.
"BC Hydro looks forward to working with Pump Systems Matter," said Parminder Sandhu, Industrial Market Manager of the Power Smart business unit at BC Hydro, "to create educational resources and tools to train pump end users and engineering consultants on the most effective use of pumps to save energy and ensure that such systems operate more reliably and at their best efficiency point."
Source: Hydraulic Institute Inc.