Oliver Hermes joins TU Dortmund University Council

The Technical University of Dortmund has appointed the new members of the University Council. Deputy Minister Katrin Linssen presented the appointment certificates to the members of the TU Dortmund University Council on behalf of the Minister for Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Ina Brandes. This honour was also bestowed on Oliver Hermes, President & CEO of the Wilo Group.
Oliver Hermes joins TU Dortmund University Council

The new TU Dortmund University Council (from left): Prof. Karin Lochte, Elke Niermann, Dr. Joann Halpern, Oliver Hermes, Prof. Johanna Weber, Dr. Hendrik Neumann, Isabel Rothe and Prof. Joachim Treusch. Image: Oliver Schaper/TU Dortmund (Image source: WILO SE)

“I would like to thank the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia for placing its confidence in me. I am very much looking forward to this new task. In performing my duties, I will do my utmost to help shape the successful cooperation between science, business and society”, emphasises Hermes.

University council advises rectorate
The TU Dortmund University Council has a total of eight external members. The council has existed since the reform of the Higher Education Act in 2007. It advises the rector’s office and supervises its management. The tasks of the University Council include the election of the rector, the approval of the university development plan and business plan as well as the establishment of the annual financial statements. The members are appointed by the Ministry of Culture and Science for a term of five years after the Senate has confirmed the list.

Source: WILO SE

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