Greene Tweed Offers Bonded Slit Valve Door for Longer Life Expectancy and Improved Seal Integrity

Chemraz® perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) compound and superior design for demanding semiconductor processing applications. (Image source: Greene Tweed & Co)
Made from Chemraz, Greene Tweed’s proprietary perfluoroelastomer (FFKM) compound, or other customer-requested elastomers, the seal better withstands dynamic use for longer life and leak elimination. Seal integrity is further enhanced by a design that fills the gland and avoids traditional molded parting lines.
The bonded-gate design can provide up to a ten-fold increase in seal life during wafer production. The design also minimizes abrasion, thereby reducing particulation and contamination.
Greene Tweed’s BSV Door is also much easier to maintain. In the past, when o-ring replacement was the only option, cleaning the gland and installing a new o-ring was difficult. Now installation requires only removing and replacing a few bolts when replacing the complete BSV Door assembly.
Greene Tweed introduced the BSV Door in 1997 and now supplies BSV Doors to nearly all semiconductor manufacturers, for both 200-mm and 300-mm tools. To meet customers’ challenging requirements, Greene Tweed leverages its core capabilities in anodizing, electropolishing, nickel plating, special cleaning, and leak testing.
Source: Greene, Tweed & Co. – Corporate