Egger Axial Turbine Pump for a Mini Hydroelectric Plant on the Birs River

Egger was consulted by several engineering companies for pumps as turbine (PaT) designed for high flows and low heads, which corresponds to the field of Kaplan turbines. Following a CFD simulation study using scFlow software developed by Cradle/Hexagon, they were able to respond effectively with the RPG/ RPP program for elbow propeller pumps.
Egger Axial Turbine Pump for a Mini Hydroelectric Plant on the Birs River

Egger RPG 351 pipe bend propeller pump in use as a turbine – flow analysis with scFlow (Image source: Emile Egger & Cie SA)

Since March 2024, a DN 350 axial pump (RPG 351) with suction by the elbow has been operating as a turbine on the Birs river in the canton of Basel-Landschaft in Switzerland. It uses a part of the energy lost in the fish pass of an existing hydroelectric power station equipped with a Kaplan turbine. Our pump-turbine enables the plant to produce between 75 and 125 kWh of electrical energy per day.

Compared with a conventional Kaplan turbine with guide vane, this is a simplified machine in which the elbow replaces the distributor. This success was achieved without modifying any parts of the axial pumps already in our portfolio. The addition of a frequency converter enables the operating point to be set as close as possible to the PaT’s best efficiency point. Installation is based on a vertical motor axis, with horizontal suction and vertical discharge. This means that only one elbow) needs to be installed in the entire system – apart from the pump.

With this new application, Egger is able to offer axial pump turbines for users with a flow rate of 100 to 500 l/s and a head of 2 to 10 m. They can thus benefit from a simple, compact, robust and cost-effective machine for permanent power generation in running water. The counter-clockwise rotating pipe bend propeller pumps are available in sizes DN 250, 300 or 350 for the above-mentioned volumes.

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