KSB Is A Winner in the British Pump Industry Awards


KSB Limited (UK) was given the coveted award for “Environmental Contribution of the Year”. At this year’s “Pump Industry Awards” in Coventry, KSB Limited received the award from the British Pump Manufacturers’ Association (BPMA) for and on behalf of the KSB Group.

KSB Is A Winner in the British Pump Industry Awards

Peter Maslin (centre) is seen receiving the award from Selina Scott and Gustavo Iensen. (British Pump Manufacturers Association Ltd.)

KSB Limited, represented by Peter Maslin, General Manager – Sales & Contracts, was presented the award by Selina Scott, the well-known BBC newsreader, and Gustavo Iensen, Regional Director for Europe of WEG Electric Motors. It was the pump monitoring unit PumpMeter and the variable speed system PumpDrive that achieved recognition.

Attending the ceremony were about 250 representatives from major manufacturers, operators and key accounts from various industries. Started in 1997, the “British Pump Industry Awards” are firmly established as a special event on the calendar in Great Britain. Through the award, the BPMA intends to promote and honour outstanding achievements in pump technology.

In addition to picking up the award for “Environmental Contribution of the Year”, PumpMeter was also a finalist in the category for “Technical Innovation of the Year”. The monitoring unit continuously analyses the pump’s operating data and establishes its energy saving potential. The PumpDrive variable speed system matches pump output to actual demand and allows energy savings of up to 60 percent.

As a member of Europump, the BPMA has represented the interests of UK suppliers of pumps and pumping equipment for over 50 years.

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