Wilo is a Partner of Wasserstoff-Hanse

(left to right) Signatories to the declaration for the formation of “Wasserstoff-Hanse”: Jens Scharner (Director of Rostock Port), Oliver Hermes (President and CEO of the Wilo Group), Reinhard Hüttl (Scientific Director and Managing Director of EUREF Energy Innovation GmbH), Reinhard Müller (President of EUREF AG), Manuela Schwesig (Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), Christian Pegel (Minister for Energy, Infrastructure and Digitalisation of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania), Knut Schäfer (Managing Director of Weissen Flotte GmbH). (Image source: EUREF / Melanie Werner)
The Wilo Group also actively supports this initiative. Oliver Hermes, President & CEO of the Wilo Group, took this opportunity to present Wilo’s hydrogen strategy. “As a leading technology company that produces pumps, systems and solutions, water is a core part of everything we do. Converting H2O to H2 is an important step that we are fully behind. We want to make our contribution to global climate protection by helping green deals come to light. Industry has a crucial part to play here.”
Wilo is therefore an active partner and supports this objective by turning its existing energy partnership with Russia into a climate partnership. By importing and storing climate-neutral hydrogen, existing infrastructure can be used to fully exploit further potential.
After a few introductory words from Manuela Schwesig, Minister-President of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, the declaration was ceremoniously signed by all the partners. The establishment of “Wasserstoff-Hanse” gives us the chance to tackle the challenges of transitioning to greener energy, along with the energy and environmental partners of the Baltic States and the countries of Eastern Europe. “Wasserstoff-Hanse” takes a major step towards this future and contributes massively to making Europe the first climate-neutral continent on earth.
Source: WILO SE