Uraca VP602 – More Flex­i­bil­i­ty with Com­bus­tion En­gine


Wher­ev­er in­dus­trial pipes, pipe as­sem­blies, valves or hous­ings must be ab­so­lute­ly tight the leak in­tegri­ty is test­ed with test pumps. The re­quired test pres­sure can be cre­at­ed with them right on site, de­pend­ing on the mod­el. The drive can be de­signed as man­u­al, elec­tri­cal or petrol-pow­ered drive. Re­spec­tive con­trols and valves there­by per­mit the re­pro­du­ci­ble "trac­ing" of test pres­sure curves and al­so the gen­er­a­tion of test pro­to­cols.

Uraca VP602 – More Flex­i­bil­i­ty with Com­bus­tion En­gine

VP602 with diesel drive (Image: Uraca)

The new pres­sure test­ing pump VP602 with com­bus­tion en­gine - petrol or diesel type - sup­ple­ments the electrical­ly pow­ered equi­va­lent and permits the flex­i­ble use of the pump inde­pen­dent­ly from the pow­er sup­p­ly. Apart from its mo­bil­i­ty, the unit stands out by its rugged con­struc­tion, re­li­a­bil­i­ty and er­go­nom­ic han­dling. In ad­di­tion to the stan­dard ap­pli­ca­tions the pump is pri­mar­i­ly used with sanitary, heat­ing and so­lar sys­tems as well as sprin­k­ler in­s­tal­la­tions; it is al­so used with com­pressed air, steam and cool­ing sys­tems in the area of boiler, pres­sure tank and fitt­ings construc­tion.

With the de­vel­op­ment of the man­u­al test pump HP20-5 for pres­sure ranges up to 3000 bar / 43500 psi sim­ple man­u­al pressure test­ing ven­tures in­to en­tire­ly new di­men­sions. It al­lows per­form­ing pres­sure test­ing, e.g. of all pressurized high-pres­sure clean­ing compo­nents as per DIN EN 1829-1 with­out ad­di­tio­n­al en­er­gy. The high pres­sure range, its rugged de­sign and re­li­able com­po­nents make this pump the flag­ship of the en­tire as­sort­ment of the man­u­al test pumps of the pump man­u­fac­tur­er from Bad Urach.

With the de­vel­op­ment of the P3-10 for pres­sure ranges up to 1000 bar / 14500 psi the "big lit­tle one" is increasingly used as test pres­sure pump, in ad­di­tion to the ap­pli­ca­tions in sew­er clean­ing and high-pres­sure clean­ing. The tech­ni­cal ad­van­tages such as large de­liv­ery rates or stain­less steel de­sign, e.g. make a se­parate priming pump ob­so­lete, and pres­sure tests can be per­formed with spe­cial media. Elec­tro­mag­net­ic suc­tion valve lift­ing of the cen­tral valves op­er­at­ed (P3-10, B-Ver­sion) al­so al­lows a delivery rate sett­ing of 1/3, 2/3 or 100% of the to­tal de­liv­ery rate.

The pres­sure test­ing unit DP3-10 is built both as stan­dard pres­sure test­ing unit with sim­ple safe­ty or over­flow valve as well as spe­cial ma­chine according to cus­tomer spe­c­i­fi­ca­tion. The con­struc­tion can be de­signed according to cus­tomer spe­c­i­fi­ca­tion as sta­tio­nary, mo­bile, with skid frame, reser­voir, boost­er pump, fre­quen­cy control, etc. as well as in ac­cor­dance with the ATEC Di­rec­tive 94/9/EC. Typical ap­pli­ca­tions for the DP3-10 are, for ex­am­ple, pres­sure test­ing of pipe as­sem­blies, tanks and fitt­ings as well as burst­ing test bench­es and pipeline tests. P3-10 pres­sure test­ing units can be pow­ered elec­tri­cal­ly, via die­sel or petrol en­gine.

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19.06.2023 -

TECHINDIA is a leading Business Exhibition on Engineering and Manufacturing. The 11th edition scheduled during 1-3 September 2023, at Bombay Exhibition Centre, Mumbai (India) will showcase the exhaustive range of innovations and technological refinements in the complete product segment of “Pumps, Valves & Compressors”, “Gears, Motors & Controls” and “Bearings, Shafts & Couplings” and other allied sectors.

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