Modine Redesigns Airedale ClassMate Packaged Ventilation
Modine introduces the redesigned Airedale ClassMate single packaged vertical DX and heat pump system. ClassMate offers efficiency, noise reduction and a smaller footprint, providing great flexibility for school installations.

Airedale ClassMate single packaged vertical DX and heat pump system (Image: Modine)
The ClassMate is offered in four capacities, from 24-60 MBH of in two cabinet sizes. Also, EER is boosted up to 12% over the existing ClassMate HE for integrated part-load values up to 16.1.
A key ClassMate improvement is the use of Modine’s own, patented CF microchannel evaporator coil which replaces a much larger coil traditionally used in these types of systems. Combined with a reduced refrigerant charge and airside pressure drop, this allows extra space to be opened up for multiple supplemental heat exchangers such as a hot gas reheat coil, hot-water coil or electric heat elements – factory-installed in the ClassMate unit. The result is a more compact model that does not require a plenum for additional heat and reduced installation time.
Other standard features include modulating, electronically-commutated fan motors; availability of combination energy recovery and economizer modules, permitting either heat recovery for outside air or fully modulating 100% economizer; maximized capability with the Modine Controls System; front-access to all components; decreased sound and power output; use of R410a refrigerant; and modulating economizer damper for 100% free-cooling and fresh-air requirements.
Optional features include factory-supplied BACnet or LonWorks compatible controls; hot water heating coil and valve/piping packages for hydronic heating options with top or bottom connections; and demand control ventilation.
Source: Modine Manufacturing Company