Letting the Discussion Flow: Unlocking the Value of Wastewater with Alfa Laval

With the impacts of climate change being felt especially keenly in the world’s water cycles, it’s time to talk solutions, and Alfa Laval is gathering leaders across its business to do just that on November 27, 2024. In fact, up to 70% of those impacts are felt in local and global water systems, and growing pressure on this precious resource is threatening to disrupt water-intensive hygienic processing, such as food, beverage, and pharma production. Meanwhile, EU countries only reuse 2.4% of treated wastewater – a situation that is mirrored in many parts of the world.
Letting the Discussion Flow: Unlocking the Value of Wastewater with Alfa Laval

Against this backdrop, Alfa Laval, the leading global provider of solutions in the areas of heat transfer, separation, and fluid handling, is bringing together experts to discuss industrial wastewater and reuse at a virtual event that will inspire attendees to step up their game in this vital area.

The 45-minute event will conclude with a session where the audience will have the opportunity to raise questions, which will be answered by the expert panel in the studio.

“The private sector plays a pivotal role. We have a responsibility to step up our efforts to become a role model and a catalyst for change in society at large,” says Eline Suijlen, Water Industry Manager at Alfa Laval. “Acting on this responsibility means to invest in solutions to mitigate water risks and build resilience to the effects of climate change – for both the company itself and the local community surrounding the company.”

It promises to be a game-changing and motivational event where attendees can learn how to:

  • Build resilience to the effects of climate change and the impact on water cycles to safeguard water security and secure production uptime while paving the way for future growth.
  • Strengthen their license to operate in areas of water scarcity where consumers and regulators increasingly demand sustainable practices. Companies that strike a balance between financial gain and circular water use will secure long-term access to resources and markets.
  • Become known as an industry leader in the optimal reuse of wastewater as a step towards water neutrality and water-positive operations. This will better enable businesses to attract investment and workforce talent and capture market share before water scarcity takes hold.
    This is an opportunity not to be missed to learn from the experts, who will share concrete examples of how Alfa Laval already works with food and beverage producers to enable the optimal treatment and reuse of wastewater.

The discussion will involve Carl Rehncrona, President Alfa Laval BU Decanters, Eline Suijlen, Water Industry Manager, Food & Water Division and Chris Woods, Divisional Director for the industrial wastewater sector at FLI Cap Technology.

Other panel speakers include: 

MBR membrane expert - Emmanuel Jonquez, Global Technology Engineer for Membranes

Decanter expert - Cristina Lisbona, Head of Service, BU Decanters

AlfaFlash ZLD expert - Amol Hukkerikar, Senior Global Sales Evaporation Systems, BU Food Systems.

The event will be moderated by Hanne Ovesen, Sustainability Communications Manager, Food & Water Division.

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