Great Interest in ISH 2025: Joining Forces to Discover New Ways Forward for the Future

Sustainable development of the built world includes the protection of water, reduced emissions, renewable energy sources and their efficient utilisation. Experts from the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector will be presenting solutions for sustainable and modern building services technology that can make this possible at ISH from 17 to 21 March 2025.
Great Interest in ISH 2025: Joining Forces to Discover New Ways Forward for the Future

Image source: Messe Frankfurt GmbH/ Jochen Günther

An initial interim summary shows: over 2,000 exhibitors are planning to take part and the complete spectrum of products and services will be structured according to thematic solution fields in 2025.

The world's leading trade fair for HVAC + Water is the international meeting place for the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning trade and industry, specialist planners and engineers, retailers, architects, interior architects and designers, the construction and housing industry, as well as investors and local authorities. All come to Frankfurt to discover the latest innovations in the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning technology sector, gain new knowledge and network. The exhibitor spectrum is no less varied than the interests of the visitors. “Our first interim assessment after the early bird price expired shows that over 2,000 companies have already indicated that they want to participate in the forthcoming ISH. They include numerous leading national and international brands from the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sectors,” says a delighted Stefan Seitz, Head of ISH Brand Management.

Under the motto ‘Solutions for a sustainable future,’ ISH 2025 will focus on the factors driving the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector. They include environmentally friendly and efficient heat generation, the conscious use of water and hygienic and clean air. The topics of the sanitation, heating and air-conditioning sector are also reflected by the organisation of the trade fair. As Seitz explains, “ISH has a broad visitor structure. And every visitor comes to the fair with their own individual needs, interests and questions. Accordingly, we have developed eight different thematic solution fields that cater even more precisely to visitors' needs. And this should enable everyone to find the right solutions for their specific field of interest.”

A preview of ISH 2025
Participants' interests were at the heart of the development of the eight new solution fields. To ensure that they can orientate themselves optimally at the trade fair, the hall layout for 2025 is based on the new thematic solution fields.

  • Solutions for Bathrooms
  • Solutions for Installation
  • Solutions for Water-bearing Systems
  • Solutions for Heat Generation
  • Solutions for Intelligent Building Management
  • Indoor Air Solutions
  • Software Solutions
  • Solutions for Sanitary and HVAC Production

Focusing on young talent
Space has been reserved for young innovative companies at ISH 2025. Young talent from the industry will take centre stage at a promotional area of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The platform is designed to make it easier for young companies to enter the market and enable them to make many new contacts. For start-ups, too, establishing themselves on the market, networking and presenting their innovations is essential. A start-up area in cooperation with the German Trade Association for Buildings and Energy (VdZ) gives them the opportunity to do just that.

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