Flender Opens State-of-the-Art Testing and Workshop Facility in Australia

Flender’s new facility in Perth is the is the only one on Australia’s west coast with a 1.5 MW load test bench capable of testing complete drive systems up to a voltage of 6.6KV. (Image source: Flender GmbH)
The 3,500 square metre facility enables Flender to combine sales, project delivery, engineering and training in one location in the first of its kind for Flender in Australia. It will also enable the company to expand its operations in Western Australia.
The facility is one of only a few in the world capable of servicing all makes and types of gearboxes and drive train components and is the only OEM facility on the west coast with a 1.5 MW load test bench capable of testing complete drive systems up to a voltage of 6.6KV.
Flender, a leading global supplier of mechanical drives, continues to grow in the region to meet increasing customer demand, especially in the wind energy and mining sectors. Kareem Emara, CEO and Managing Director at Flender Australia, said that the new facility in Tonkin Highway Industrial Estate enables Flender to centralise operations and offer more to customers in Western Australia. “It is also a vote of confidence in the Western Australian economy,” he said.
“Our recent growth in Western Australia has been great and a testament to the quality of our products, service and technical know-how. As we continue to grow, we want to reinvest in this key market and be where our customers are to offer them the combined brains trust of over 50 facilities worldwide through this new state-of-the-art centre,” Mr. Emara said.
Flender has the largest installed base of industrial drives in Western Australia. Some installations have been in operation since the 1970s and are still in service today in mine and port locations across the Pilbara and other regions of WA. The facility will also be designed to cater for projected growth in ‘geared’ wind turbines over the coming decades.
“Having been in WA for over 40 years, our view is and always has been long-term. Whilst COVID-19 has presented challenges to the economy, we have taken a long-term view and are confident in our expansion plans to help set up the right support structure for the nation’s critical energy infrastructure and industries. We are supporting critical industries such as mining now and are preparing for future growth in other industries,” added Mr. Emara.
This announcement follows the $5 million investment into Rockhampton service centre in 2017.
Source: Flender International GmbH