Armstrong Honored by SMACNA Brazil as a Key Supplier on Two Award Winning Projects

Armstrong Fluid Technology was recently honored by the Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s Association (SMACNA) Brazil for being a Key Supplier to two of the winning projects in the Highlights of the Year – 2022 awards competition.
Armstrong Honored by SMACNA Brazil as a Key Supplier on Two Award Winning Projects

Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein is a climate-controlled habitat and forest in Sao Paulo (Image source: Armstrong Fluid Technology)

The first project honored by SMACNA Brazil was Centro de Ensino e Pesquisa Albert Einstein, a climate-controlled habitat and forest in Sao Paulo. The development provides constant temperature and humidity control for the forest, classrooms, library and laboratories. Armstrong worked closely with the design team to incorporate 12 technologically advanced pumps into a high-performance system used throughout the chilled water system.

The second award-winning project was Edificio Multibrasil, one of the largest and most energy efficient corporate complexes in Brasilia. Its air conditioning system features state-of-the-art equipment which guarantees reliability and enhanced comfort to to tenants. The distribution of chilled water is handled by 26 Armstrong design envelope pumps.

Considered one of the most prestigious HVAC/fluid Management distinctions in Brazil, the Highlight of the Year awards are evaluated by a judging team monitored by SMACNA Brazil/ABRAVA committee.

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