ACHEMA 2024 – Apply Now for the ACHEMA Founders Award

For the fourth time, researchers with marketable ideas, people looking to found companies and young start-ups can apply for the ACHEMA Founders' Award.
ACHEMA 2024 – Apply Now for the ACHEMA Founders Award

(Image source: DECHEMA Ausstellungs- GmbH)

DECHEMA, Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain and High-Tech-Gründerfonds are looking for ideas, concepts and business plans from the fields of chemistry, process engineering and biotechnology.

The competition runs over three phases. A jury of experts will select 10 finalists from the business plans submitted by December 1, 2023. They will have the unique opportunity to present themselves to the international trade audience from June 10 - 14 in Frankfurt / Main at the ACHEMA 2024 at the Founders Award booth and in a separate session and to find cooperation partners. One winner(team) will also receive the ACHEMA Founder's Award endowed with 15,000 euros.

The chemical industry is facing major challenges: Climate neutrality, raw material security, the transition to a circular economy, but also the call for new products and solutions are fundamentally changing the industry. This is an opportunity for start-ups, which can make a significant contribution with their disruptive ideas and flexibility. However, even though the situation has improved in recent years, the number of start-ups in these areas is still low. In addition to financing, contact with and cooperation with established players remains a particular hurdle. This is precisely where the ACHEMA Start-up Award comes in. Throughout the competition, networking with mentors and potential cooperation partners is an essential component. And where could a young start-up gain more visibility for its solutions than at the trade fair for the process industry?

Competition over three phases
The competition runs over three phases - ideas can be submitted by June 2, 2023, concepts by September 1, 2023, and business plans by December 1, 2023. Particularly in the early phases, the applicants will have the opportunity to discuss their concepts with high-ranking expert mentors from the very beginning and to receive support for the development of their business plans on this basis. Applicants and young start-ups founded or in the process of being founded after July 1, 2021 will have access to potential investors at this early stage in order to discuss the possibilities of financing. Regardless of when they enter the competition, all business plans submitted by December 1, 2023 will be in the running for the final spots.

Up to ten promising start-ups or start-up ideas will be given the opportunity to present themselves and make contacts at ACHEMA 2024 as part of a founder's award stand and a special pitch session. One company can also look forward to the overall victory and prize money of €15,000.

The sponsors of the ACHEMA Founders' Award are DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V., DECHEMA Ausstellungs-GmbH, Business Angels FrankfurtRheinMain e.V. and High-Tech Gründerfonds. The ACHEMA Founders' Award is also supported by the German Chemical Society, the Association of German Engineers, the German Chemical Industry Association and the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations as well as the Business Angels Network Germany and the Forum Startup Chemie.

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