Abattoir Adopts Triark Pumps for Biological Solution


Essex based Triark was recently approached by a leading abattoir to supply pumps that could assist in the creation of a biological approach to the discarding of waste.

Abattoir Adopts Triark Pumps for Biological Solution

Triark Pumps

The owner of the site wanted to stop pumping waste material straight into collection tanks and try to do something a little more eco-friendly.

Following a site visit by Triark engineers, and lengthy discussions about what was physically, but also practically possible, it was determined that all the waste material – liquids and solids - would be pumped into a sequence of pits’ or cesspools. The addition of water, aeriation and filtration by reed beds, would allow a natural breakdown of the material so that eventually a PH neutral fluid could be rendered.

The waste material is a combination or all things you would expect to find in a slaughterhouse - teeth, bones, fur and fat - including animal effluent from the holding areas, but the solution to its treatment and eventual removal from site was really quite simple.

Having first been filtered through a crude yet functional system whereby grates catch anything that won’t breakdown thereafter, the remaining waste is pumped into the first pit. Water is then added and the pit is constantly aerated, so that Mother Nature can take her course, organically and biologically breaking down the material.

A second pump then shifts the surface fluid into the next pit where continuous PH monitoring takes place, and once the required levels are achieved, the fluid is then moved on to a ‘reed’ bed.

This third pit is the final resting place where a combination of circulation, aeration and filtration by the reeds creates the PH neutral fluid which can then be pumped into the sewerage system or back into the second pit if more liquid and aeration is required.

Of course with one of the main requirements being the need to keep everything moving at all times, the overall energy consumption was another key consideration in the provision of an eco-friendly solution. With this in mind, the pumps selected for the task were 230v single phase ABS Piranha lightweight cutter pumps and DAB FEKA sewerage pumps.

Commenting on the project, Triark’s Managing Director, David Rozée said, ‘Although a somewhat unique enquiry, we were delighted to be able to use the experience gained through our work on other unusual projects and help to deliver the required solution.’

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