SEEPEX Awarded Patent for Smart Air Injection

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) granted SEEPEX patent number 10,717,612 for their innovative Smart Air Injection technology.
SEEPEX Awarded Patent for Smart Air Injection

SEEPEX Awarded Patent for Smart Air Injection. (Image source: SEEPEX Inc.)

The technology uses a progressive cavity pump and compressed air pulses to convey compacted material plugs over long distances using minimal pressure.

Smart Air Injection (SAI) is a SEEPEX customized system solution for pumping over long distances. The system uses compressed air and polymer injections to convey sewage sludge, or other media with a dry matter content of 20 percent-40 percent, over distances of up to 1,000 meters. This innovative combination ensures a low pressure level in the delivery line as well as low friction, which translates into a long life cycle and low operating costs.

The system is easy to integrate into existing automation and control systems; reduces the pressure rating requirements of the pipework and valves; and is an enclosed pipework system, eliminating unpleasant odors or rainfall dilution. Open hopper SAI systems with Smart Conveying Technology reduce maintenance time by up to 85 percent with the maintain-in-place design, requiring no disassembly of discharge pipework.

SEEPEX Inc. Vice President of Engineering Gordon Fenton states, “This patent means we are the sole provider of progressive cavity pump technology and precision controlled compressed air pulses separating conveyed material into compacted plugs, which dramatically reduces the pressure requirements to convey long distances. The pressure reductions are so dramatic that almost all installations can make use of low-pressure thermoplastic piping over incredible distances. The total lifetime operational costs of the piping, compacted material pump, air compressor, boundary layer injection pumps, installation, maintenance of equipment, required power consumption and incremental polymer usage can save up to 72 percent over technologies previously used.”

Across the globe SEEPEX already has numerous installations and is expanding into other markets such as breweries for conveying spent grains.

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SEEPEX Smart Air Injection Video

02.03.2023 -

Environmental aspects and economic considerations play a decisive role, when municipal water works are considering the purchase of modern pumping technology. SEEPEX’s energy-efficient and low-maintenance Smart Air Injection (SAI) system ensures that thick sludge reaches its destination at low pressures, even over distances of one kilometer. One of the customers is the WWTP in Hetlingen in northern Germany. In the video, SEEPEX demonstrates the advantages of its technology.

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