Flender Celebrates 125 Years of Future

When companies celebrate anniversaries, they often look back into the past. How did it all begin? What milestones were there? What successes and perhaps crises? Flender does the same. However, for the drive technology specialist, the 125th anniversary is primarily a reason to look towards the future.
Flender Celebrates 125 Years of Future

Many employees took the opportunity to show their families the Flender product world and production. (Image source: Flender International GmbH)

“Without Drive Technology and Flender, Nothing Moves in This World “
“We have always been and will always be a large Flender family. Whether employees, customers, suppliers, partners, or owners—today we all feel like Flenderans. I am incredibly proud to be part of this team and to advance the energy transition with you. Because without drive technology and Flender, nothing moves in this world,” said Flender CEO Andreas Evertz at the grand anniversary party at the main site in Bocholt on Friday evening. The company had invited all employees from the Bocholt, Mussum, and Voerde sites, as well as representatives from customers, suppliers, associations, politics, and regional partners. Around 2,500 guests experienced a spectacular evening.

Among the guests was NRW Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst. In his speech, he congratulated the employees on the successful and eventful history of the company. He emphasized Flender's significance for the entire region as one of the largest employers. Wüst, who grew up just a few kilometers from Flender's headquarters, has memories of Flender dating back to his youth: “125 years of innovation ‘made in North Rhine-Westphalia’: Flender stands for top-class German engineering. As a global leader and the only company still producing wind turbine gearboxes in Germany, Flender sets significant impulses for the energy transition. This contributes not only to the transformation of the economy but also to strengthening the industrial location of Bocholt and the jobs in the region. Flender can truly be proud of this special anniversary!”

Pioneer in Drive Technology and Industrial Transformation
Throughout its history, Flender has developed into a pioneer for industrial and wind drives. In 1991, the Flender gear unit (short: FSG) was the world’s first gear unit series based on a platform. It remains the industry standard to this day and is the basis for thousands of derivative programs and application specific gear units. The successor "Flender One" has been gradually introduced to the market since 2022, setting new standards in energy efficiency and optimal resource utilization with fully automated configuration and engineering processes combined with AIQ digital gearbox intelligence.

In the 1980s, Flender gearboxes brought the first modern wind turbines to life. Today, the company, with its wind brand "Winergy", is the market leader and has equipped every third wind turbine in the world with a drive component. With continuous increases in power density, Winergy products ensure that wind drives become more powerful and at the same time more compact, a key to the most cost-effective generation of wind power.

Like no other machine manufacturer, Flender is at the heart of the energy transition. As one of the first industrial companies, Flender recognized the significant leverage that energy-efficient industrial production can have. This is the drive: industrial production and energy generation that can both secure our prosperity and at the same time sustainably manage the world’s resources. This also includes returning raw materials to the cycle so that they can be reused. Up to 99 percent of a gearbox can be recycled, and Flender’s global service network ensures that the lifespan of the drives is maximized.

For this reason, among others, the renowned sustainability rating EcoVadis counts Flender among the top one percent of the most sustainable companies in the world. Products for the energy transition, a reduction in its own CO2 emissions by 86 percent, and numerous programs and initiatives for social responsibility, diversity, equal opportunities, inclusion, and belonging. The traditional machine builder has become a modern company and pioneer of industrial transformation and sustainability.

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