Sulzer order intake for 2000 seven percent higher


Consolidated order intake for 2000 by the Sulzer Corporation totalled CHF 5775 million, 7% higher than in prior year. Growth adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures was 11%, and 7% after adjustment for currency effects. Sulzer Medica attained a nominal growth of 14% (8% adjusted for currency effects), while Sulzer Industries order intake rose nominally by 5%, or 10% adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures.

The Sulzer Board of Directors and Corporate Executive Management are currently evaluating the most appropriate way and timeframe for separating the medical device and industrial businesses. With increasingly independent development of the two business sectors, the retention of Sulzer Pumps in the industrial portfolio is under examination. The positive integration of Ahlstrom Pumps, good divisional results for 2000 and encouraging prospects for the coming year promise a high value enhancement potential for the Sulzer shareholders.

Among the planned divestitures, that of Sulzer Turbo was already announced in December 2000. Negotiations for the sale of Sulzer Infra and Sulzer Textil are currently underway, while the divestiture of Sulzer Burckhardt is to be initiated in the second half of 2001.

Sulzer Pumps order intake increased substantially by 38% to CHF 869 million (14% adjusted for acquisitions). Both the existing and new (ex Ahlstrom Pumps) units contributed to this growth.

The Sulzer and Sulzer Medica financial results for 2000 will be published at the annual press conference on Friday March 9, 2001.

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