Ovarro Leak Technology Supports WaterAid in Nepal

The company has donated leak detection equipment to the Beacon Project, a collaboration between Anglian Water, its supply chain partners, WaterAid and the Nepal Water Supply Corporation, which focuses on enhancing water supplies in Lahan, in the Siraha District of south-eastern Nepal.
Ovarro Leak Technology Supports WaterAid in Nepal

Ovarro UK sales director Kevin Brook and Anglian Water’s Andy Smith prepare the equipment for transportation to Nepal. (Image source: Ovarro Ltd.)

Key to this initiative is the provision of leak detection training which has led to more than 300 leaks being found. By using Ovarro’s advanced equipment, including ground microphones, data loggers and pipe locators, the leakage teams will be able to find and repair even more leaks, further reducing the amount of water that is lost – vital in preserving the town’s precious water supplies.

Fewer than half of Lahan’s 98,000 people have access to piped water. The town’s network consists of just one treatment works, five operational boreholes and around 59km of pipes, operated by 21 staff. Water is supplied intermittently for three hours in the morning and three hours in the evening and leakage is high – about half the water supply is lost before it reaches communities.

Alex Bailey, Anglian Water’s smart asset and operations manager and Beacon Project Manager for the UK team, said: “A major success of The Beacon Project has been leakage detection training, using what we would consider basic approaches. The donation of advanced equipment from Ovarro will make this even more effective and is a key building block towards our ambition of establishing 24/7 supply in some areas of the town.

“Beacon was born from a recognition that Anglian Water and its partners have much more to offer than financial donations. Although this remains a big part of our support for WaterAid we also have knowledge, skills and expertise that we can and should share with others to make a lasting difference.

“Sustainability underpins everything the Beacon Project seeks to achieve. This isn’t a short term intervention – it is seeking to build capabilities and develop the parties involved such that the changes delivered can be maintained and operated long after the project has concluded.”

Kevin Brook, Ovarro UK sales director, said: “We're proud to be supporting Anglian Water’s Beacon Project with a donation of our leak detection equipment. This fantastic project aims to bring clean water, a good standard of toilets and improved hygiene to people in Lahan. The local leakage teams are doing vital work and we will be keeping up to date with their progress.”

Source: Ovarro Ltd.

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