Nächste Generation des ContraBlockTM Systems für blockierungsfreies Pumpen


ABS Pumpen führt die neue Generation des ContraBlock(TM) Systems ein, dass für blockierungsfreies Pumpen seit über 30 Jahren bekannt ist. Der blockierfreie Betrieb und der hohe hydraulische Wirkungsgrad haben sich in über 1 Million Installationen weltweit bewährt.

Patented for the first time over 30 years ago, the ContraBlockTM system has been continually developed and improved over time. Years of experience combined with intensive research at the ABS hydraulics laboratory give the ContraBlockTM system a unique position in blockage-free pumping.

ABS is now launching the Next Generation of the ContraBlockTM, with even higher efficiency and improved non-clogging features.

No blockage in combination with high efficiency

The ContraBlockTM hydraulics provide blockage-free pumping even where the solids passage is relatively small. The ContraBlockTM system acts as an anti-blockage device with an open single or multiblade impeller revolving on a spiralled groove, ensuring that solids or fibres are transported through the pump without blockage.

The need to lift blocked pumps to free them is effectively eliminated, reducing maintenance costs and call outs. The high initial efficiency of the ContraBlockTM system is readily maintained over time thanks to the easily adjustable wear plate, making it possible to restore efficiency in the event of wear. The high reliability in combination with the hydraulic efficiency give a lower total LCC, Life Cycle Cost.

Successful Field Tests and Clogging Tests

The new ContraBlockTM system has gone through thorough field tests at various locations in Europe, USA and Asia. Extensive laboratory tests, including witness clogging tests by LGA Germany, the well-renowned Test Institute, have also been undertaken.

Among the items tested were towels, cloths, rubbish sacks, hygiene articles, plastic bottles and shoes. The tests showed not only that the pumps did not block, but that the pumped articles were not cut up - they had only a small amount of wear and tear, and would easily be retained by a screen typically located at the inlet to a treatment plant.

Tests have also been carried out to measure the efficiency and clogging characteristics of various types of hydraulics used in sewage pumps. Tests were made with single channel, twin channel (both closed and open), vortex, cutter and ContraBlockTM impellers for DN 100 to DN 150 pumps. The ContraBlockTM system had the best combination of resistance to blockage and efficiency.

The ContraBlockTM system is available in various discharge sizes DN 80 to DN 300 on pumps from 1.3 kW to 100 kW.

ABS Pumps

ABS offers the broadest range of pumps, mixers and aerators available in the market. Its three major market segments are Water and Wastewater, Process Industry and Building Services. The ABS product range includes submersible pumps, mixers and aerators as well as dry installed pumps and mixers. With this broad and modern range we can solve practically all liquid handling problems within municipal and industrial waste water handling. With our process pumps and mixers we can supply complete solutions to paper and pulp mill requirements, including sophisticated fan pumps and medium consistency paper stock pumps.

The experience of handling liquid goes back to 1870 when we supplied our first pumps to the Swedish paper industry. The first submersible sewage pumps were delivered in Germany in the 1950s.

The cost-effective pumps, mixers and aerators are produced in the manufacturing plants in Sweden, Ireland, Germany and Brazil. Sales and service is offered by the ABS organisation in 30 countries and through distributors in a further 100 countries, giving global customer cover.

ABS employs over 2.000 people with a total turnover in 1998 of SEK 2546 million corresponding to 320 million USD.

ABS is a company in the Cardo Group.

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