ISH digital with an Extensive Programme of Events

The countdown has begun, the preparations are in full swing and the tension is rising: the first digital edition of ISH, the world’s leading trade fair HVAC + Water, opens its virtual doors on 22 March 2021. In addition to a host of product innovations, the focus will be on sanitation and HVAC themes and an extensive programme of events
ISH digital with an Extensive Programme of Events

Image source: Messe Frankfurt GmbH

ISH is getting ready to bring together the sanitation and HVAC sector online from 22 to 26 March 2021. The aim: to connect exhibitors, visitors, experts and journalists for five days, to stimulate the exchange of knowledge, to provide informative content and to present new solutions and innovations. To this end, the ISH programme of events will look at trends and developments in the sector from a practical standpoint and actively bring together visitors and exhibitors, experts and other interested participants. Special shows, expert lectures, panel discussions, competitions and tours offer great opportunities to gather information, hold discussions and make new contacts. ISH digital will be rounded off by live streams and a comprehensive set of on-demand elements from the programme of events. Thus, visitors will be able to take part as they wish in panel discussions, product shows, presentations, special shows, etc. Moreover, during the lectures and live sessions, they will have the opportunity to interact with the speakers and ask questions. Parallel to this, there will be three channels focusing exclusively on the exhibitors with their information and product shows.

First-class, informative, in tune with the times: the ISH digital programme of events
The top themes of the ISH water and energy sections constitute the thematic hub of the programme of events and will generate impulses for the various formats, in which visitors can take part flexibly and individually in accordance with their interests and areas of expertise.

Interesting, relevant and future-oriented themes: ISH Energy
The green deal, for example, is one of the most important, future-oriented topics being discussed in the energy sector. Accordingly, there will be presentations of heating solutions and systems that make a decisive contribution to achieving climate targets. Within this framework, the ISH Technology and Energy Forum of the Federation of German Heating Industry (BDH), Messe Frankfurt and other partners will take a detailed look at the political circumstances of the heating market on all five days of the fair. Visitors to the digital forum will find concise and coherent information about the heating revolution. In addition to films and live streams, the Technology and Energy Forum offers extensive background material on the heating industry and the associations concerned.

Against the background of the corona pandemic, particular emphasis will be given to the immensely important subject of ventilation and air-conditioning equipment as a further thematic module of ISH Energy. In a variety of formats, such as lectures, expert talks and panel discussions, the Air Conditioning Forum will tackle highly topical subjects from this field. One of the focal points will be the use of ventilation systems taking special account of the circumstances of the current pandemic and include a presentation of the latest scientific findings. The Air Conditioning Forum is organised by the Association of Air Conditioning and Ventilation in Buildings (FGK) in cooperation with Messe Frankfurt.

The Building Forum will also examine subjects from the field of intelligent building-services technology with lectures, discussion formats and live streams from the web studio of Messe Frankfurt, including numerous highly topical issues concerning, for example, funding programmes and building law. Organised by the VDMA Building Control and Management Association for House + Building in cooperation with the Association of the German Building Services Industry (BTGA), these events will be held on all days of the fair. The speakers will report on the basis of their own experience and thus give visitors the chance to obtain information at first hand.

In front of and behind the wall: ISH Water
The water section will focus thematically on drinking-water hygiene and the emerging trend towards greater hygiene in the bathroom. With a product spectrum including dirt and bacteria resistant surfaces, touch-free operation and hygienic electronic bidets, the sanitation industry is set to present smart solutions for increasing expectations on hygiene. ‘Pop up my Bathroom’ will review the top themes and, on this basis, present three exclusive, long-term trends for bathroom trends at ISH digital 2021. Under the title ‘Inside | Outside’, the online Pop up my Bathroom Magazine will spotlight not only the latest design trends but also important topics such as modernisation and hygiene. Daily from 22 to 26 March, there will be a one-hour programme streamed straight from the fair with daily reports on subjects of topical interest and bathroom-planning trends. With different guests and experts, ‘Pop up my Bathroom’ – hosted by the German Sanitary Industry Association (VDS) – will spotlight a different theme every day. On 23 March, the VDMA Fittings Association will look at the subject of digitalisation in drinking-water installations.

Start-ups and architects in focus
Young entrepreneurs comprise the special field of interest of VdZ – German Association for Energy Efficiency in Building Services at ISH digital 2021. In addition to the opportunity to take part in the fair and present their innovations to an audience of experts thanks to a special start-up package, the VdZ has also developed an interesting programme of events spotlighting the contribution made by start-ups to the future of the sanitation and HVAC sector.

Especially for architects and planners, there will be a digital version of the guided tours for architects organised by world architects. The digital package includes talks with interesting interlocuters and recommendations for self-guided tours during the event.

Great (audio) programme for the installation trade
Implemented exclusively for ISH digital, the Installation Channel is the main meeting place for the installation trade during the fair. Organised by the German Sanitation, Heating and Air Conditioning Association (ZVSHK) in conjunction with Messe Frankfurt, the channel will operate on all five days from 09.00 to 19.00 hrs CET. The programme is structured around five core themes: live reports, news, information, sales and training. The main element on each of the five days is a themed digital tour of the fair showing innovative products, presented and evaluated by the ZVSHK in cooperation with

‘Fair for the ears’: the ISH Radio is also aimed specifically at the sanitation and HVAC installation trade. With music, helpful tips and important themes, craftspeople can also hear ISH digital wherever they are.

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