InfoTiles Accelerates European Growth with Innovation Collaboration

Digital analytics company InfoTiles is seeking to extend the market reach of its innovative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) tool by joining the pioneering European Water Tech Accelerator programme. The six-month collaboration will enhance and strengthen InfoTiles’ market position as a European leader in digital water and wastewater.
InfoTiles Accelerates European Growth with Innovation Collaboration

InfoTiles chief executive Johnny Alexander (Image source: InfoTiles)

The programme has been co-designed by the partners and addresses key challenges that will help the Norwegian company scale faster.

One element of the acceleration programme will be setting up an end-user group meeting, specifically dedicated to InfoTiles, which will bring together representatives from industry and utilities in the new markets InfoTiles is exploring, to understand the best approach to market penetration.

The team from the European Water Tech Accelerator will in turn be integrated into InfoTiles, to help set up a structure that can achieve systematic change and leverage European water technology networks to gain even more insights into the market need for digital water solutions.

InfoTiles chief executive Johnny Alexander Gunneng said, "InfoTiles is thrilled to collaborate with the European Water Tech Accelerator as it represents a meaningful opportunity to further sustainable water solutions that will benefit cities and communities across the globe.

“This programme aligns strongly with our vision to be a source of truth in the water and wastewater industry, by providing utilities with advanced data solutions that support mission-critical decision-making across the water value chain. After hearing great things from other ‘waterpreneurs’ that had collaborated with the team from the European Water Tech Accelerator, we just had to catch the wave."

InfoTiles is leading the way in water data quality by combining advanced AI, data analytics and software-as-a-service solutions with industry expertise, for water utilities and other water stewards. The company is transforming the operational footprint of water and wastewater management to build the future of smart water infrastructure.

Gaëtane Suzenet, co-founder of the European Water Tech Accelerator said, “We are convinced digital water is a necessary response to the challenges in the sector. Now is the time to act and deploy the water solutions that will avoid a crisis point. We are delighted to have InfoTiles join Aquacycl, Shayp, Scubic, Water Ledger and Watergenics into our programme to build a European water champions ecosystem.

“InfoTiles has a fantastic team and very supportive investors. It has already entered key markets in Europe and has set up a strategic partnership with Arup. We want to build on these successes to notably speed up InfoTiles market expansion strategy.”

The independent European Water Tech Accelerator is the first one-stop-shop of its kind to focus on European water technologies, entrepreneurs, and markets. Its objective is to support and scale innovative European water technologies and accelerate solutions to water challenges through innovation.

The Accelerator provides tailor-made programmes and resources for participating companies, to ensure the scaling process is targeted. Alongside this core activity, the organisation also delivers masterclasses on how to best shape a path to a successful scale-up.

The programme recently organised a European Green Week event titled ‘how to be build a water positive economy in Europe’ and released ten recommendations targeted at facilitating the deployment of innovations in Europe.

Source: InfoTiles

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