Former Uponor Chair Nominated for Election to the GF Board of Directors
Annika Paasikivi (Image source: Georg Fischer AG)
Annika Paasikivi (1975), Finnish citizen, has many years of experience as an executive and board member in various industrial companies in the Nordics including the industrial owner Oras Invest, Helsinki (Finland). Her expertise especially in the building technology sector makes her the ideal candidate to support the smooth business integration of Uponor and the future value creation at GF.
Annika Paasikivi has a Bachelor's degree from the European Business School London and a Master's degree in Global Politics from the University of Southampton (UK).
Yves Serra, Chairman of the GF Board of Directors, says: "We are pleased to propose to our shareholders the election of Annika Paasikivi, who, besides her in-depth knowledge of Uponor and the building technology sector, would bring a wealth of experience as director and chairperson of publicly listed and private companies."
Source: Georg Fischer AG