figawa and Wasser Berlin International seal Water Extraction Partnership


At Wasser Berlin International 2015 the Federal Association of Companies in the Gas and Water Industries (figawa) will be a prominent exhibitor highlighting water extraction, well construction and drilling technology.

figawa and Wasser Berlin International seal Water Extraction Partnership

from left to right: Gotthard Graß (Managing Director of Die Bundesvereinigung der Firmen im Gas- und Wasserfach e.V. (figawa)) and Cornelia Wolff von der Sahl (Project Manager Wasser Berlin International) (Image: Wasser Berlin International)

The companies representing this market segment will be appearing in Hall 4.2 on a special display area guaranteed to attract maximum attention. According to Gotthard Grass, chief executive of figawa, “combining marketing efforts gives exhibitors an opportunity to not only showcase their products and services but also to present integrated solutions capable of resolving individual problems. This will provide even more valuable information for international trade visitors and delegations.”

Wasser Berlin International is Germany s international marketing platform devoted to the topic of water and is the only industry event that comprehensively mirrors the economic cycle of the water industry. This 360-degree approach covers all stages and elements of the water extraction process. They include water treatment, water works and pumps fittings, measuring, control and analysis systems, pipes / networks, as well as flood management, wastewater treatment and disposal. “It is only logical that we should include the topic of water extraction as part of the overall event“, says Cornelia Wolff von der Sahl, the project manager of Wasser Berlin International.

Small and medium-sized enterprises will be able to exhibit their products and services on a combined display area. Demonstrations will be taking place of large and small-scale drilling equipment on the open-air site adjacent to the hall exhibiting water extraction technology. This year the symposium on well construction, a well-established event that is also an approved advanced training measure in accordance with DVGW-W 120, will be taking place again in the Marshall Haus.

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