Cardo Annual General Meeting


At Cardo AB's annual general meeting, the following members of the board were re-elected: Tuve Johannesson, Berthold Lindqvist, Fredrik Lundberg, Lennart Nilsson, Bengt Pettersson, Anders Rydin and Kjell Svensson.

At the statutory meeting of the board after the annual general meeting, Fredrik Lundberg was appointed chairman of the board and Lennart Nilsson vice chairman.


In accordance with the proposal put forward by the board of directors and president, the meeting declared a regular dividend of SEK 8.00 per share and an extra dividend of SEK 32.00 per share, in total SEK 40.00 per share. April 10 2003 was established as the day of record for dividend, and the dividend is expected to be distributed by VPC AB (Swedish Central Securities Depository & Clearing Organization) on April 15 2003.

Nominations committee

The meeting resolved to appoint a nominations committee consisting of the chairman of the board, who will be the convener, and a representative of each of the company's three largest shareholders as of September 30 each year. The members of the committee will be announced in connection with the interim report for the third quarter. The duties of the nominations committee are to submit proposals to the annual general meeting in respect of the election of the board of directors, auditors whenever appropriate and fees.

Financial information

The report for the period January-March 2003 will be published on May 6, for the period January-June on August 12 and for the period January-September on October 29 2003.

President and CEO Kjell Svensson's address to the annual general meeting can be found at Cardo's website.

About Cardo

Cardo is an international engineering group and a leading supplier of high-quality products and systems with a good aftermarket. Cardo holds strong positions in the markets for doors and pumps. Cardo has subsidiaries in about 30 countries with the focal point resting in western Europe.

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