Armstrong Employees Worldwide Initiate Innovative Earth Day Activities

Armstrong Fluid Technology employees worldwide are marking Earth Day 2024 with a series of activities aimed at cleaning up the local environment, improving sustainability and reducing carbon footprint. Planned activities range from an Energy Hunt challenge to community clean-up efforts to tree planting in local spaces.
Armstrong Employees Worldwide Initiate Innovative Earth Day Activities

Armstrong Employees Worldwide Initiate Innovative Earth Day Activities (Image source: Armstrong Fluid Technology)

Armstrong has long been a leader in environmental sustainability, states Executive Chairman, Charles Armstrong. "Since 2013, our Planet Proposition initiative has been dedicated to helping customers reduce their respective carbon footprints while we work to minimize our own environmental impact.”

To date, Armstrong’s sustainability efforts have included:

• A series of webinars, case studies and white papers to educate customers and end-users about embedded carbon reduction, energy savings and other sustainability issues.
• Creating ‘Sustainability Teams’ at every location to monitor energy savings, reduce the company’s and individuals’ carbon footprint, and implement ongoing sustainability initiatives.
• Engineering superior energy savings and carbon reduction into the design of every Design Envelope solution.

“At Armstrong, environmental stewardship is an integral part of our purpose and mission,” Executive Chairman, Charles Armstrong emphasized.

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Armstrong Names Kilmer Environmental as Representative for Northern Central Ontario

13.11.2024 -

Armstrong Fluid Technology announced that Kilmer Environmental is the new representative for northern central Ontario. With a highly knowledgeable and experienced team comprised of mechanical engineers and CETs, Kilmer Environmental provides application design assistance to building owners, consultants and contractors for a wide range of energy efficient products for the residential, commercial and institutional markets.

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