AchemAsia 2013 – Asia Firmly On the Process Industry’s Radar


A good three months before the start on 13 May 2013, AchemAsia 2013 is well on course for success. The organisers anticipate a slight upturn in exhibitor figures. The new congress structure with satellite symposia, organized in close coordination with Chinese and international partners, has likewise met with an encouraging response.

The organizers put the high exhibitor interest primarily down to the current economic situation in Europe and the sustained growth in Asia. "In addition, the structural changes in China s economy and the targets of the current Five-Year Plan have created interesting opportunities in China", comments Dr. Thomas Scheuring, CEO of Dechema Ausstellungs-GmbH. Suppliers in the fields of plant engineering and construction, environmental technology and pharmaceutical production stand to benefit most from these developments, he added, however they also open up interesting business options for companies involved in renewable energy and novel materials.

AchemAsia is the most international event for the process industry in Asia. This key forum for Chinese and international suppliers and interested parties attracts more than 400 exhibitors from over 20 countries and upwards of 12,000 visitors. The exhibition programme accommodates the complete spectrum from laboratory and analytical techniques to plant construction and covers all sectors from the food industry and pharmaceutical production, through to petrochemistry. A special focus is on environmental technologies and water treatment.

This year the focal topics of the accompanying congress programme - joining in apparatus and plant construction, alternatives to petroleum, environmental protection, industrial water treatment, process analysis and chemical separation technology - take the form of themed satellite symposia co-organized with partners. The immediate vicinity of the congress and the exhibition in the modern facilities of the China National Convention Center in Beijing guarantees synergies between science and industrial application.

AchemAsia has been organized by DECHEMA in cooperation with Chinese and international partners since 1989.

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