ABS Partners – das neue Kundenmagazin von ABS


ABS hat jetzt die erste Ausgabe des neuen internationalen Kunden-Magazins “ABS Partners” herausgegeben. Die Zeitschrift stellt kostengünstige Lösungen aus der ganzen Welt für die Wasser und Abwasserbehandlung für Gebäude, Baustellen und Industrie vor.

“The new magazine opens up a new forum for dialogue with customers and other partners” says the ABS Group Marketing Director Dan Drejenstam. “By presenting interesting applications and describing installations from around the world, we hope to give ideas for our customers on how to optimise their own processes”.

Committed to cost-effective pumping

“In our ambition of giving more value to our customers, we want to show different aspects of cost-effective pumping; from the correct pump selection to easy methods of installation, realiable and efficient operation, simple maintenance and effective service” says Dan Drejenstam. “In our research and development we focus on finding the optimal solution for every application.

Our wide range of pumps, mixers/agitators and aerators is designed to give the lowest life cycle cost for the customer in the long term perspective”.


The new magazine covers solutions within all ABS’ market segments: Water & Waste Water, Process Industries, Building & Construction and Service.

The first issue presents among other things how a major ABS installation at the Tallinn wastewater treatment plant plays a key role in the environmental protection of the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, it is revealed how the impressive waves were created for the Titanic movie, and how ABS pumps make special effects in the recent Hollywood blockbuster The Perfect Storm.

Moreover, ABS Partners reports about energy savings in a UK paper mill, and describes blockage-free pumping in wastewater handling through ABS ContraBlockä, the patented system which has provided reliable pumping for over 30 years.

“The name of the magazine, ABS Partners, underlines the fact that we see every customer as our partner, and the magazine will further strengthen the relationship with customers and consultants all over the world” says Dan Drejenstam.

The magazine is in English and translated to several languages. Next issue will be released by end of this year. To order the magazine - press the button ”leaflets” at our web site:


Quelle: Sulzer Ltd.

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