Vierte internationale Auszeichnung für die N-Pumpe


ITT Flygt gewann gestern auf der Aquatech Amsterdam 2000 seinen vierten Preis für die N Pumpe

Aquatech Amsterdam 2000, with over 740 companies exhibiting, is Europe’s largest environmental trade fair. Held in the picturesque Dutch capitol, this year the focus was on integrated water management, and the way in which the borders between management of drinking water, wastewater and industrial water are fading, resulting in companies and organisations looking for total solutions that cross these sectors.

The International Aquatech Innovation Award is open to all the companies participating in the trade fair, and this year a total of 53 took part. The award is presented to the company with the most innovative product or service in wastewater technology or water management. It is judged by professionals from both the private and the public sector, on the basis of seven different criteria.

Five products, were nominated to the final, these included, a new solution for water disinfection without adding chemicals or using radiation, a complete mini water treatment plant, which eliminates legionella, a service valve with two new innovations for tapping and shutting off, and a water barrier, which can transform existing types of mobile barriers into mobile dykes.

However, the jury unanimously voted for the fifth nomination, ITT Flygt’s N-pump, as “it is cleverly thought out and ready for the market, and has already proved itself. It is a mature professional product. It is currently aimed at the wastewater market, but other applications are easily conceivable.” The N-pump received the highest average score on each of the criteria.

This is the fourth such award the N-pump won during the last year. The first, when it was named the Pump of the Year at the Processing Pumps and Systems Award ceremony, sponsored by the British Pump Manufacturers Association. The second was the IWEX Innovation Award, sponsored by Turret Rai. The third award was received in Poland at the Poleko International Environmental Fair, for the foremost improvement for protecting the environment.

The seven criteria are for the award are:

- innovative character

- contribution to environmental management

- value added to sustainability and water chain management

- clear vision of water technology and water management

- identifiable markets/market segments

- practical and international applicability

- integration of the drinking, processing and wastewater sectors

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